Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

🌷Sharath POV

I can't believe my parents did this. They came to my house when I was not there and threw my sister out. I still remember. I was in my office. I get a call from my sister she was crying and stuttering" Sharath Mom and dad th-ey thre-w me."I was not able to understand what was going on.

I left my work and reached home only to find my sister standing in front of the gate with Anu in her hands. Anu was crying as well. I run inside to find my parents sitting on the sofa.

"What the heck are you doing here?"I shout as I enter."We saw that wench as we entered so we threw her out." they tell me. I was already boiling with anger now it's just increasing."She is my sister and your daughter."I tell them venom evident in my voice.

"She isn't our daughter." My mom tells."But she is my sister, living in my house you have no right to do that to her."I tell them through clenched teeth."Let's not talk about her. We have something else to talk about." my dad tells me.

"I know you always wanted us to get together. So, here is the deal. If you marry this girl we both choose for you we will get together."They tell me. I knew there was a catch to it."How much is the dowry?"I ask them."20 crores."They tell me. That's why they are doing this.

"I don't care and I won't marry this girl. I don't care if you get together or not. I won't care if you even die. I have my sister she is enough for me. Now get out of this house and my life. I am so done with you both. Never show me your faces."I shouted at top of my lungs. They too just didn't care and left.

I didn't know what to do. I fell on my knees and started crying. My sister came and put her hands on my shoulder."I am sorry" I tell her. But she just rubs my back."It's no way your fault."She tells me. As much as her voice is soothing I need to go out get some air."I am going out."I tell her and move out of the house. I reach the bar.

1,2,3,4,5 ...I had 5 bottles of alcohol. To say am not that drunk would be an understatement. I need to go home but how? I take out my phone and call Rahul." come."I told him.

"What?"I hear a shrill voice. It's not Rahul's voice."Are you Rahul's girlfriend?"I ask."From when did I become Rahul's girlfriend?"The girl on the line asks. 

The voice seems way too familiar."Sharath where are you? Are you drunk?"That girl asks."How do you know my name? Did Rahul tell you?"I ask." Sharath.Where.Are .you."She seems angry."I am at this bar. Near my house."I tell her."I am coming you stay where you are."I hear her tell.

I know Meera likes Rahul so much if she finds out that he has a girlfriend she will be heartbroken. I was thinking to myself when someone taps my shoulder."Sharath why are you drinking alone? You should have bought someone with you." The voice tells me.

I turn around to find Meera."Meera what are you doing here? You know you are too little for coming to a bar."I tell her."I am not little."She gritters through her teeth."You called me!"She tells me.

"But I called Rahul's girlfriend no." I tell her."What?"She asked, "You called me."She tells me."Oh! I called you. I thought I called Rahul's girlfriend."I tell her.

"Rahul has a girlfriend?"She asks me."Yeah! I got to know only today."I tell her."Oh! He never said me."She continued."Come on it's late let's get you home."

I nod to her statement and we reach home. My sister opens the door" Why did you have to get drunk?"She tells me."Who told you I am drunk? I am not."I tell her.

"Yeah you are right. Thank-you Meera for bringing him."My sister tells. They both carry me on two sides. Did I hurt myself? No, they love me a lot that's why they want to walk with me together. They made me sleep on the bed and went away. I feel very tired. So I sleep off.

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