Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

🌷Meera's POV

The day I hated the most. It's here. I check the clock. It's still 6 in the morning very early. My shift ended at 12 yesterday night. I slept for five hours until I started tossing on the bed for the past one hour. Adithi is not home she must have gone to her early morning shift today at 4.

My past few days have been so happy. But am scared I might hurt myself somehow. This dreaded feeling where I have received too much happiness and any moment now I will be hit with sadness in my face. I don't want that.

I turn one year older today. My memories flash in front of me.

"Mom! I got 95% this year."I run towards her trying to show her my report card. She was with my elder brother helping him with his homework."Ok! But did you see what time it is! Your brother and dad must be hungry. Go cook dinner." She didn't even spare a glance at my report card. But I can't talk back anyway. I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner

At the dinner table."Mom and Dad! I need money to apply for the medical entrance exam. Can you please give it?"I was hoping they will listen to me."A girl doesn't need education. You need to just know how to cook and clean. You studied till your 18. That's enough for now."My father answers me.

My mom jumps right away to support him."In the next 3 years, you will be married. We will marry you off to a rich guy, who might pay us money in return. Now try to work on your weight. You are as fat as a pig."Saying that she pulls my plate away from me. I hear my brother snicker beside me. I try to ignore them and run back to my room with tears in my eyes.

I try to find a part-time job so I can pay for the entrance fees. I found a job at a supermarket. I told them I will be working only for a month. They were okay with that. I earned the money I need, with the help of my teacher I applied for the exam and got a seat in the best medical college with really less fees.

My teacher came and spoke to my parents about the admission. They had to put on this perfect parent facade so they accepted. They paid for the college but they were not ready to leave me. One night I took the opportunity and ran away from that hell of a hole just before college was about to start.

A notification from my phone brings me back. I get myself up from the bed. I slowly check my phone. It's a message from Rahul. It brings a smile to my face but once I see that message my smile drops. He canceled today's plans. I let a small sigh. I text him back telling him it is fine. He sends me a smiley emoji.

We have grown close for the past 12 days. His smile is enough to swoop me from my feet. The way he laughs.The way he shows his concern towards me. I feel something for him which I can't put a finger on. Just his presence around me is comforting.

Even if there is a probability that I might like him. He will never like me. Like what is there in me?Nothing. With the looks, he has he can find a perfect girl for himself. I wouldn't even stand a chance.

Me ? who would look at me? Even if someone tries to get to know me beyond looks I don't even have a great personality. I think I should stop thinking so much but as if they are gonna stop. I grab the towel and try to have a relaxing bath.

I won't get many wishes today anyway. My parents don't wish me anyway. It was just a mistake for them. Is it weird that I have never cut a birthday cake in my entire life? I chuckled at my pathetic thought.

Moving on I guess I will dress myself up a bit today. I picked out this Peach A-line dress. It comes to my knees, I style my hair into a half-bun. I finish it off with cute rose gold earrings with butterfly-shaped things hanging down. I look at myself very happy with my looks. So I go to the front room and start watching a kdrama as I don't have anything to do.

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