Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

🌷Adithi POV

Ahh! My head is paining a lot. I shouldn't have drunk yesterday. I usually manage my alcohol. I have really high tolerance for alcohol. But I take no more than 3 drinks. But yesterday I wanted to let loose and forget the fact that Karthik rejected me. It slowly started with an Old fashioned bourbon but ended with 2 bottles of vodka.

The last I was this drunk was in college. I didn't have many friends, I and Meera sat together but she refused to get drunk. The hangover the next day was enough to not get drunk again.

Yesterday night's memories started flooding in. I called him hubby!Baby!Hot!What was wrong with me! I even asked him to take off my heels in a very absurd way.I asked him to kiss me!!!!! But he-

"Kiss me," I said. As I was looking deep into his eyes. He was looking at me with guilt in his eyes." I am sorry Adithi. I can't." he tells, turning his head."Ok! Then sleep beside me."I ask him." Are you sure?" he asks me ."Yes, 100%."I deadpan."Ok! Don't freak out in the morning."

So, now he is sleeping beside me? I slowly turn my head to find him sleeping peacefully beside me."Ahhhhh!"I shout. Falling down from the bed."Gosh! So much for asking not to freak out!"He says waking up groggily."I didn't freak out! I just expressed."I say trying to stand up straight. My head was pounding!

"Am sorry for doing all that yesterday."I say sheepishly." It's fine. You were drunk. Don't ever drink again." he tells me. I nod my head.

"Why do you like me?" he asks me again."I told you I don't know."I tell him. He doesn't answer. But my brain comes up with an idea.

"See I know you are not able to understand your feelings but give me one chance. Just one. Wait I have a bet for you. Let me show you what love is and if in one year I don't make you fall for me. I will leave you as you wish."I tell him. I know what I told him is weird but he has told me sorry these many times. My self-respect can take a blow for once.

"Okay. Let us see."He tells me. I was happy that he told yes."For now, we have to go to Stephens house for lunch."He continued. Gosh how much I hate him. But I have to go for Karthik's sake.

🌷Rahul POV

I was standing in the great auditorium in front of every board member. My palms were sweating and I was really nervous. Slowly the media entered. Just then my eyes went towards the door only to find Meera entering. It has become a habit for me to admire what she wears whenever I meet her or see her. This time she was wearing a white button-up shirt with blue-washed jeans. She wears that whenever she feels she has nothing to wear saying it is a safe choice.

I met up with her eyes and she smiles at me. She mouths all the best and takes a seat in the front row. My dad asked me to bring her here. After my family met her at the dinner they are in love with her. They started treating her as their own family member. My dad –never stops bragging about her being a doctor.

Slowly the conference starts. Every board member shares their view on how they think I will run the company. With each member finishing their words the burden of their expectation starts weighing me down. 

My turn comes ."Good Morning to The board members and the media. It's an honor to be present among you all. The board members being the backbone of the company strived to move it forward rapidly. Every worker in our store as well help us reach the highest amount of sales making PR boutique the best fashion company around the globe. As I take forward my father's legacy I hope I don't pull down the expectations each one of you has on me. Thank you for everyone's ongoing support."I finish the speech. The whole conference hall fills with applause. Now was the Media's turn to ask questions.

First question."Mr.Saavan is it true that your mother died when you were young?"A reporter asks. My mom is a sensitive topic to me. But I had to keep up my demeanor so there will be no scandal created.

"Yes, I lost her when I was young. But my stepmom came to my rescue she was there for me whenever I wanted something and was there with me. I am so grateful and thankful to her for that."

"Mr.Saavan, where did you complete your fashion designing course?"Someone asks.

"I finished it in India. I graduated from SMV university."I tell them.

"Mr.Saavan, What is your thought about the birthday scandal, the woman who forcefully kissed you?"Someone else asks.

"She didn't forcefully kiss me. She is my girlfriend. Please don't spread false rumors."I answer them. Bringing Meera into this was wrong. It is totally wrong. But I can't help it.

"Mr.Saavan What if you get distracted about the company because of that woman?"Someone else asks. This boils me up even more. Before I could answer.

"My son isn't that easy to deviate and the woman you are talking about will be our daughter-in-law in the future. So, we expect you to treat her with respect."My stepmom answers.

With that answered the media session closed and I was escorted by my new secretary-Shubham to my office.

According to my dad, I have to come up with a really awesome start-up project as the new CEO. Just then I hear someone knocks on my door."Come in."I signal. Just then a small head pops out of the door. It was Meera."You were awesome on the stage."She comes and hugs me.

"I am sorry about the questions,"I tell her genuinely.

"I was expecting those questions anyway but mom defended me. That was awesome." she tells. Yes! She calls them mom and dad.

"But, I Am worried about you." she says with a small pout on her face. Looking at her pout made me want to kiss her but I stuck with a small peck."I am fine Meera, someday at least I need to talk about my mom openly."I tell her.

"So what now?"She asks me."I have to come up with a big idea and create a fashion line for PR2021 Fashion week."I tell her.

"Give me some ideas," I ask her. Just then she clicks her fingers."I have one."She tells me sheepishly.

" What is it?"I ask her.

"As you know summer is coming up and there is a demand for a summer body?" she tells me.

"I hate the idea of summer body. It is fitting women into a stereotype where that kind of body doesn't even exist. Why are you talking about that?"I ask her confused.

"What if we hired women of every size and every shape and name the show as summer body special. We even will change the whole meaning of summer body."She finishes, her eyes glowing with anticipation whether I will accept it or not.

Frankly speaking, I really love the idea."Let's do it."I tell her. She jumps up and down with joy."But I have one condition you have to be the main model."I tell her. I am doing this to increase her confidence and show her how beautiful she is.


Word count: 1140

My wifi was not working properly and the chapter was not saving. I will be posting the next chapter soon too. Like in an hour. So, Until the next chapter


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