Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

🌷Adithi POV

I woke today early in the morning. I had a holiday and applied a few more so I could be with my parents for a few days. Though I was with Meera the whole time I felt homesick and it's been well over a year since I met them. I have packed my luggage yesterday itself. I got ready and went to the kitchen.

I saw Meera making some pasta. Oh! god her pasta is to die for. She makes it so good and cheesy. She looks at me and goes" You are late".I give her a sheepish smile."Am going by a cab anyway."I tell her."But the earlier you go you will get more time to spend with your family" she told while serving the pasta on two plates."I know. But I will miss you."I tell her.

She snorts at my statement."Or more like my pasta ."She answers back."Why don't you come with me?"I ask her. She gives me a you-know-my-answer look."I want to catch up on my drama. The hero left her because his father was hospitalized in America and he broke up with her on phone. You know how intense that scene is?!"She tells that in one breath ."Ok baba, no one will separate you from your drama."I smile at her. After eating I call for the car and I leave my apartment. It's a 2-hour drive until I reach my home.

(A/N: Can you guys guess which drama Meera is talking about?)

It's pleasantly similar to the last time I was her. As I entered my sister Priya wrapped me in one of her warm cuddles. My mom fed me the food that I craved daily. I got to play chess with my dad. It felt so at home.

It felt as if I was on a vacation. Sure I loved my job, but daily the same thing is a bit boring. My room was still the same. My tenth class self would be so proud of me. Sleeping on my own bed felt so good.

But the conversation I had with my parents is what keeps me awake. I went to the kitchen to check what my mom was preparing."It smells so good ma!"I mutter while entering. She smiles at me."Namratha aunty called us. She told me about the talk you had."My mom tells me."I wanted to tell you maa! But I forgot."I tell her. I should have told her this way before our first date."It's ok, now we know. How many more dates are left?"She asks me."More 2." I answer, she nods her head.

"After the rest of the two dates, aunty will call for an answer, we will say yes. Let them decide what they wanna do."I thought about it for a while. Anyhow I and Karthik talked about it. He will say no. There is no point in fighting with my mom."OK! maa."I tell her that and go back to talk with my sister.

Should I have told her I will not say yes? Should I have told no? With these thoughts I just let myself sleep.

It's been 3 days since I have been here. I got to know about many gossips from my sister and my mother. My sister's love for maths god! She thought me trigonometry again so she could revise.

But I get to spend time with her that's all right. It's been three days I wanna call Meera. I take out my phone and I call her through video call.

"Hello!"I hear her answer. The hello is not that cheerful."Hey! How was your shift?"I ask her."It ended an hour ago came now."She tells she looked really pale. What is wrong with her?"Did you overwork yourself?"I ask her. She places her phone against something and nods her head. 

As I was about to ask her something else she fainted."Meera!!! Meera!! What happened ?"I was startled. She fainted! She did something to herself. I didn't dare cut my call. I took my sister's phone. I knew only one person I could call  -Karthik.

"Pick up! Pick up!"I was shouting. Finally, he picked up."Hello!Karthik!"I practically shout."Adithi is that you?"I hear from the other side."Karthik! Meera!"I try to form words. I am still shocked and it's hard to form words.

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