Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

🌷Adithi POV

It's the day of engagement. The reception will be followed after. I was not able to sleep the whole night. I feel really anxious. My mom comes into my room to check on me but I am already awake."You didn't sleep!."My mom shrieked when she entered."I slept for some time."I retort back.

"Ok! The groom's side will be coming in 5 hours we will be exchanging rings at our house."She explains me for the 100th time."Maa! I already know it."I tell her a frown visible on my face."Go have a bath properly. Then Meera will come to help you get ready "she tells me.

I nod at her statement and go to bathe. After an hour or so I come out. I see Meera standing in front of me. She was all ready."You wore it!"I was surprised. She was wearing the Lehanga Rahul gave her."Yeah, I did! I had to wear it at some point."She tells me.

I nod at her statement. I take out my phone and text Rahul

Your girl looks beautiful- me

I get a reply in a heartbeat

She always does – Rahul

I internally woo at his statement

But you surely will flip out when you see her-Me

Why ?-Rahul

What should I reply with? Yes! I take my phone and take a picture of Meera only to her feet. She is not totally visible. I only take the picture of the lehenga and send it to him.

NO! It cant be real. ARE YOU SURE?-Rahul

He replies back. I can imagine his shocked face. I get another msg.

Send the whole photo. I wanna see her- Rahul

Bye see you later- me

I reply and don't check the messages. I keep on receiving messages from him. But I try to ignore."Who is it ?"Meera asks me."No one, just my old friends and family sending me congrats."I tell her. She nods and pulls me to the washroom. I see 40 different products lined near my sink.

"What the hell is this?"I ask her. She looks at me as if I asked a wrong question."You need to use these until the day of your marriage."She tells me.

"Why?"I question again."I want you to look beautiful." She tells me."And also it will cool your nerves." she continued.

"Now listen carefully. This face wash, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen you use during the day. This oil-based face wash, foam-based face wash, toner, mask, serum, moisturizer, eye moisturizer you will be using daily at night.

Then you will use this scrub every 5 days. This sleeping mask every two days. One day you will use an applying mask the other day it will be a sheet mask. I also got you hand masks and foot masks. You need to use all of these properly."She tells me at one go.

The only thing I could muster up to say was" What?"I ask her. She sighs and starts again" This face wash, toner-."My last two brain cells left are not ready to listen."What should I use now?"I ask her.

She hands me 4 products and explains the order. I do that. We go back to our room. I see the dress I bought a few days back. It's a green lehenga embroidered with crystals. Meera helps me get into the dress and does my makeup and hair.

By the time we finished. My mom comes up to my room and tells me every one is here. We both nod. Meera checks if everything is going all right on my face and takes me down to the Living room. Everyone was there. Sara and Anu came running towards me."You look so beautiful."They tell me. I give them a smile and pat their cheeks.

I see Karthik standing in front of me. He was wearing an all-black suit with a green tie that matches my dress. He looks handsome as always. I turn my head a bit to see Rahul, God! he is wearing a purple kurta that matches Meera's. 

I raise my eyebrows and smirk at him. He widens his eyes as if telling me to keep quiet. Meera makes me stand beside Karthik and goes towards Rahul. They both started talking to each other.

Later Sharath joins them. They all talk while I and Karthik are at the center of attention. My parents and his parents bring us the ring and we exchange it. Everyone starts clapping. Then pundit Ji goes through his books. He decides the date of marriage to be on June 6th, six months from now.

I might have put a façade that I hate this marriage but deep down I want us to be together. I hate myself for thinking like this. But I have loved him since forever.

After the whole ceremony was over. Meera, Rahul, and Sharath come towards us. Meera and Sharath start talking with Karthik while Rahul turns towards me."You both look like a couple."I tell him grinning.

"Well that was the plan ."He tells me with a sheepish smile."She looks so beautiful in your dress."I tell him. But he denies."She makes the dress look so beautiful" He tells me back."You are totally whipped."I tell him while chuckling."Is it something wrong?"He asks me. I laugh at his question. After a lot of meets and greets. I and Karthik were set free.

We have our lunch. I and Meera go back into my room and change into a Baggy shirt and pajamas. We talk about the ceremony and everything."I think I like Rahul ."Meera confesses to me.

"At last, you told me. I was waiting when you were gonna tell me."I answer her back."How do you?"She asks me."I am your friend for a reason."I tell her.

"But I don't want to tell him my feelings."She tells me. I frown at that statement."Why ?"I whine."I don't want to lose him. He can get many beautiful girls out there. Why will he choose me?"She says with a sad pout.

"Why do you think like that? Maybe he might like you ?"I tell her. But she nods her head negatively."There is no chance."She tells me."He is helping you a lot right. He is also a very good guy."I answer her back.

"He is helping me out of pity Adithi. There is no way a great guy like him would fall for someone like me."Only if she knew how much this guy is whipped for her. Should I tell her? Nah I don't want to come in between them and also Meera needs time. She can't fully cater to a relationship with the problems she already has."Don't lose your chance girl he is a great guy. " I tell her."I will try ." she answers back.

The time flies by and the Reception time rolls in. Meera dresses me up again. This time I wear a silver Aline long dress.My hair in a top knot with a tiara. I looked really beautiful. But what's the use it's a fake marriage anyway.

We take the car and reach the venue. The guests are yet to come. I see Karthik standing on the stage. He waves for me to come on the stage. As usual, I and Karthik are the center of attention. Slowly the guests come in. There are more than 800 people. We will not be calling these many for the wedding just a few 500 members

Yes, you got it right Indian weddings are huge. After greeting everyone. We were asked to cut a cake. I and Karthik cut the cake and end the reception. We wrap up everything and go home. Now I have to start counting days till I become Mrs.Aroura from Ms. Sharma.


Word count:1254

Hey! I have another update so scroll down!!!


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