Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

🌷Meera POV

I lay in the hospital bed, thinking how they will leave after hearing how pathetic of a human I am. After all, this I am scared Adithi might leave me too. I don't want her to leave me. I get up from my bed and take my phone. I open Instagram and just mindlessly scroll through the memes on the latest drama I finished.

The people's lives in drama are so picture perfect. The girl might be poor but she will obviously have the latest phone. Me on the other side I have nothing. She even gets the best man in the world. All because of her looks. Anyway, let's just forget about this.

I place my phone back on the table. I go back onto my bed and replay the conversation with Adithi. She consoled me. She was there for me. But why am I scared she will leave me? I know I am overthinking. It's already December 3rd. Hope this year gets over soon.

As I was buried in my thoughts. I hear someone speak"Hi! Meera, How are you feeling?"I was a bit startled by this voice. I recognized it was Karthik."I am feeling ok now."I answer back.

He looks at me with a smile." Will a chocolate milkshake with two pumps of whipped cream help elevate your mood?" he asks me while handing me the drink. That was really nice of him. I take a few sips of the milkshake the cold drink passing down my throat and the sweet taste lingering in my mouth.

Then I remember" Did u tell them?"I ask Adithi. She nods her head."Yes, we know will you sue us for that? Sharath asks me with a light chuckle."It's just that you guys are still talking to me."I sulk.

"You never hurt us. You were always sweet to us, why would we not talk?"It was Rahul that was talking."I just assumed..."I was trailing my words, Just then Rahul takes a seat beside my bed."It's ok to assume but why does it have to be negative ?"He has an evident scowl on his face.

"Yeah..."I trail off again. But I do understand what he is saying."I feel guilty for what I have done. I want to make you feel beautiful which you already are, together."I look at him in the eyes. I chuckle slightly "This isn't a Kdrama. But why do u feel guilty? You didn't do anything?"I ask him.

What did I do to make him feel that way? Because I rejected to wear those beautiful dresses. I started speaking again before he could."Am sorry I shouldn't have rejected to wear them. I am such an-"Before I could finish my sentence he shushes me with a loud."Stop! I already told you, it's not a big deal, You won't do it because you didn't like it. There is nothing wrong with not doing the things you don't like. I feel guilty because I asked you."He looks into my eyes.

I could see the regret in his eyes. Now it's my time to talk ."Ok! it's not my fault that I didn't wear it. it's not your fault you asked. cool?"He musters up a small smile.

"I am sorry I heard the conversation between you and Adithi."I give him a small smile."It's ok you know everything now, it doesn't matter."I tell him so he doesn't feel bad again.

He looks at me reciprocating the same smile."But! you said something which didn't settle right for me."He says, he looks at me expecting a reply but I just indicate for him to continue.

"First of all your not a doll. You are a human with feelings and emotions. You might be broken, but feeling you can't fix it is not right. Let me just help you and show you that your beautiful, important and needed."He tells me looking into my eyes again.

But this time I see the dedication and something more which I can't put a finger on."Why do you wanna help me?"I ask, I couldn't help but control my curiosity.

"You will know later."He tells me with a faint smile. I think I need this. I think I need to make a change."What do you wanna do ?"He looks at me with a smile."We will be working out, eating healthy, and try to work on your mind and body."I reciprocate his smile. It indeed is time."When do we start?"I ask with all the enthusiasm I can come up with.

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