Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

🌷Rahul POV

"This is your house?"I hear Adithi ask from beside me shock evident in her voice."No, my parents, I live with them. But they are always out on business trips. So no ones around much."I tell her hearing a small oh from her.

I have already set up everything. I give them their first set of clothes and assign them rooms to change. Slowly everyone goes in. But I see Meera waiting there looking at her dress."Rahul" She calls my name. I turn towards her and she is fumbling with her dress. I was confused why she was behaving like this since I told her about modeling.

She was biting her lips and looking at me and I see guilt in her doe eyes."Whats the matter?"I ask her in a calm tone."I d-don't think I can do this." I hear her stutter.

It would be a lie if I told I wasn't sad about it. I wanted to persuade her to do it but, I can't force her into anything."It's up to you if you don't want to do it then don't."I say her giving her a smile."I am really sorry" She tells me.

" It's not even your fault, why are you apologizing? It's ok if you don't want to. No hard feelings."I explain to her. She musters a small smile and I can make out it's fake "Thank you for understanding."She tells me.

I nod and brush of her thank you, saying it's not that big of a deal. By the time our conversation is over, I see everyone coming out. The clothes suit them a lot. But their faces seem dull. I need to use makeup but I don't know-how.

"They need some makeup" I hear that from Meera."Yep, I know, but I don't know how to do it."I tell her with an awkward smile."If you have makeup supplies I can do that."She answers me back ."There is some in my mum's closet."I retort."Lead the way "was her response.

I took her to my mom's vanity and she took the makeup she needs and we head back to my room where the shoot is gonna happen."Your mom holds the best of best products" I hear from Meera ."She loves makeup."I tell her."I can see that" she muses back.

She first applies makeup on Adithi. Then she calls for Karthik."I won't apply makeup it's for girls."Before I could talk him back off."No one gives a shit to your opinion, Shut your mouth and sit down ."Meera shouts. To my surprise, Karthik sits down. After few minutes Meera cools herself "We are living in the 21st century and makeup is for everyone. Even the actors you see on the series and shows wear makeup too. Make-up is just a product, not a gender nor a characteristic of a gender" She explains it to Karthik very calmly.

I see Karthik murmur a small sorry."There is no need to say sorry, you learned something new and you just have to keep this with yourself forever and also be a bit open-minded it won't hurt anyone."She tells Karthik with a smile. I see Karthik nod understandingly.

Even though it's not been so long since Meera joined our group it feels like she has been with us for a long time and knows everyone really well. The fact that she can control Karthik with just her voice is so great.

Then even Sharath goes on to get his make-up done. They look so good right now. We start the photoshoot. My eyes don't go off from Meera. She jumps here and there setting the light and angles.

I really can't explain what I have for her. Is this feeling just because she is so open and comforting as a person? Are these just my feelings? 

My train of thoughts are blocked by Karthik and Sharath who come near me" You will creep the hell out of her" I hear from Sharath."You really like her that much?"I hear this from Karthik."I don't know ."I try to answer genuinely.

"We will talk about this later. Just quit staring at her."Sharath says and goes away. Karthik nods to his statement and moves away. I see Meera go out of the room to take a phone call. I start minding my own business and it's been a while and I see no sign of Meera.

"Is something wrong?"I hear Karthik asking Adithi about Meera."I don't know I will go check on her. It takes another few minutes until the door slowly opens and comes in Adithi and not so happy Meera. She looks so dull. I can see it in her doe eyes my heart starts to hurt looking at her. Did something happen? I really just want to go hug and comfort her.....

Do I really like her? What am I thinking? I think I like her? I don't know.

"What happened ?"I hear Sharath ask her."Its nothing. It's been a long time since I talked with my parents. I got emotional" She tells with a smile. Nah! a fake smile. I see that Karthik and Sharath have also caught on to it but they don't pull it anymore. We check everything and shut down the work. I need to find someone else to model the other clothes.

"Wanna go out for dinner?"I ask everyone. Sharath and Karthik nod. But Adithi and Meera wanted to go home. We drop them off at their house. Meera walks out of the car saying a small bye, Adithi was about to say bye but I stop her "Is something wrong? Why is Meera so upset ?"I ask her.

" It's not my story to tell. I don't know what else to say."Adithi says nodding her head."I understand. But I can't see her like that."Adithi gives a small smile."I know you like her, I can see that in your eyes. If you plan to tell her something, just treat her right ."She gives me a look mixed with trust and hope."It's nothing like that ."I tell her without making eye contact. She doesn't pull it more says her goodbyes and goes on.

"Let's get some drinks?"I ask the guys."Let's go to my penthouse. I have beer in my fridge."I hear Karthik's answer. I nod and in a matter of a few minutes, we reach his penthouse. We take out a few cans of beer, few chips packets and settle down.

After 2 cans everyone started opening up. It was me first ."I like Meera. I think."I tell them but I hear a snort from Sharath "As if we didn't know."I laugh it off with them too.

"Meera is a really nice person. As Adithi said treat her right."I hear Karthik say."You are really scared of her."Sharath aims that towards Karthik."She was the first girl to ever catch my collar what do u expect?"He continued."She can be mature and cute at the same time."He snorts."I agree." was the only thing I have to say.

But suddenly I was hit by a wave of confusion." How did things settle between you and Adithi?"I ask him. He takes a swift chug of his beer."After that night I went to talk to my brother. He was right I was blinded by my own jealousy and anger that I had to push Adithi into the dark to comfort myself." he lets out a bitter chuckle."I was so pathetic. But still, she forgave me."He tells.

 "She liked you."I hear Sharath from the sidelines. Shit! he shouldn't have said that."What?!"I hear Karthik practically shouting."What did you just do You, idiot ?"I scolded Sharath."He needs to know how bad he made her feel. I don't think she likes him anymore."I could see the guilt surface on Karthik's face.

The fucked up look he had."Oh! No."I could see him squirming under our gaze."She probably hates you now."I tell him, maybe this could lighten his mood."I made her feel so bad ."That is all he is able to say. He gulps down his whole can as I just take a small sip.

We all were not that drunk but we were a bit tipsy."I am sorry."I hear from Sharath."What's wrong?"I ask him."Nothing "He tells sloppily. He creates an aura around him as if he has no problems. But he never opens up. I don't know what can we do to make him open. I turn around to see Karthik drunk. He slept off. I think we should sleep too.

Word count:1368

So how did you like the double update? I hope you are enjoying the story. This might be kind of a filler chapter. But the next chapter will have a lot of Hangama. So stay tuned for that.

Rahul sure told that he likes Meera. But will Meera accept him?

I also want to tell all the BTS fans out there. Who loves reading fanfictions try this one. It's by one of my close friend. So go shower her with love.

So until the next update.


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