Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

1 month later

🌷Adithi POV

My 1 month wasn't that bad. Except for many of my family members sending me gifts for not being able to attend and Routine parlor appointments with Meera. It was fun but I didnt want to do it. But I observed one thing. Meera got very confident about herself. She slowly started loving herself. I am so proud of her.

One day she came in front of me. She was wearing a white T-shirt with denim overalls. I clearly remember her words" I look so cute in this."She tells me. She never used adjectives like cute, beautiful, lovely for herself. Trust me Rahul sure has a hand in it.

I still remember he never over complimented her. He told her what he saw and told her the truth. He made her understand what beauty is and it is clearly working.I am really happy cause she is happy.

But I still am not able to process am someone's fiancé. I had to go to his company to meet everyone and it felt weird when everyone was addressing me as Mrs.Aroura.Day after day I keep falling for Karthik. He has been polite to me since the last date. He has never said or done things that hurt me.

I still can't believe that I love him. It's been 10 years. I have never felt this way towards anyone. Is it wrong of me to have feelings for him? I know he hated me for the things I never did. But why does my heart want him? But really should heart get everything it wants?

🌷Meera POV

I really like him so much. Day after day, the closer we get the more I like him. The more I see him smile the more my heart skips a beat. The way he talks.The way he cares. Everything draws me more towards him. 

Day after day I want to know him more. He always knows what I need. He always knows what I feel. I surly am whipped for him. Should I tell him how I feel? Will he accept me? Am I worthy enough for his love?

I am scared to lose this friendship I have with him. We meet every day. We work out together have breakfast together. Have fun together. I still remember the first time we both went out together. We both didn't name it a date. We walked through the mall holding each other's hands. It felt like we already were a couple. I feel safe and comfortable around him. But still, I can't muster myself up to tell him my feelings. Will I ever tell him how I feel?

🌷Karthik POV

I can't believe me and Adithi got engaged. The person I always swore would be off-limits will now be my wife. In the few days I have been with her I felt sorry for how I treated her. How I was to her. Now I am ruining her chance of her getting married to someone she loves.

I have hurt her many times. But still, she gave me a chance. I am so ashamed of myself. The other day when she came to meet my office staff everyone was calling her Mrs.Aroura.She was feeling very uncomfortable. I need to make sure she never feels uncomfortable.

I will have to be nice to her so she doesn't regret forgiving me. I will prove myself as a really good friend to her. Can I?

🌷Rahul POV

I love her. I love her a lot. I love her more than anything. But I can't express my feelings towards her. Her smile makes my heart beat so fast. The way she looks at me when she talks. Her eyes gleaming with excitement. She is filled up in my everyday thoughts. The way she talks, smiles, walks everything is so mesmerizing about her.

Her cute face when she eats something she loves, her small hands fidgeting with her sleeves, Her eyes widening when she asks me something, her walk when she is doing something exciting. She is cute in every way I look at her. She just brings a smile to my face.

Whenever I open my phone it's filled with her texts. She did fill the void in my heart. I don't feel alone when am with her. She really feels like my missing piece

Yes, I have had a few crushes in the past but never I felt this attached to someone like this. I want her to be with me forever. I love her with all my heart. I will cherish her with all my heart. But when do I tell her? I might not be afraid of rejection but I can't bombard her with problems when she already has many. When should I tell her?

🌷Sharath POV

I want to get drunk. But I can't. My parents have been seeing matches for me but I clearly told them I won't be marrying. After what happened to my parents and sister I don't want to go through the same. I want to fall in love with someone who would understand my problem and they could turn into the shoulder I lean on. I want them to be my support.

Love is something that I feel I won't need. I have to tell my friends what is really happening to me. But how do I tell them? Will I ever be able to tell them? I need to surely tell them someday. But when?


Word count: 1004

I felt sorry for posting a really small chapter today .So I decided to drop two more chapters. Hope you liked the chapters. Please vote when you liked the chapter. It increases the reach of my story.

This chapter was like an overall view of each one. Will they all get what they wish for? Only time will tell. In this case, the time is me. I won't keep you waiting too long . I will be posting the day after tomorrow again. So please stay tuned.

Please leave comments. I like seeing your comments and I will try to reply to all of them. Don't be a silent reader let me know if you find any flaws. I will try hard to work on it.


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