Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

🌷Sharath POV

I was at the bar again!

"I should not come here often."I tell to myself.

"Yeah! You shouldn't." Shit! I hear someone say behind my back.

"Ah!!!Meera. You can't scare me like that." I tell her. I see Rahul beside her."Why are you both here?"I ask while ordering my usual.

"Who is she?"Meera asks me.

"Who?"I ask trying to be a bit nonchalant."The girl you were obviously flirting with at the wedding."Rahul taunts me from beside.

"Oh! You mean Alia. I met her at the wedding." I tell them sipping my alcohol.

"Oh! You just met her."Meera drags her words."Yeah! What more do you want?"I ask her.

"Rahul! Get out from here I have a lot to talk about with my buddy here."She gritters through her teeth while looking at me." okay."Rahul says and goes out from there.

"So! Why do you hide stuff?"Meera starts with this question."What! I don't hide stuff!"I tell her even though I knew it is a complete lie.

"Then why the hell you never tell me when I ask if you are ok?"She asks me. I can see the concern in her eyes.

"Where is this question coming from?"I ask her."You remember when you drunk called me?"She asks while I nod to her statement.

"You told and I quote ' I wish I could change my parents.' and I wanna know what made you feel that way. So I can help you."She tells me while biting her lips. Did she tell whatever she heard to Rahul and Karthik? She can't do that. Anger was boiling inside me. I was gripping the glass in my hand.

"You wanna know so you can make fun of it?"I ask her. She looks taken aback, but she composes herself."No! Sharath, I just wanna help you. If you don't wanna share it it's fine. I understand."She tells me.

"You don't need to know about my parents. They have nothing to do with you and try to be within your limits."I tell pointing my finger at her.

"Sharath! Listen to me. Sorry for asking. I just wanted to help. I mean no harm."She tells me waving her hands in front.

"Will you stop talking about it!"I say smashing the glass in my hand on the ground.

I could see tears in Meera's eyes."Sharath! What happened?"She says in a really low voice."You don't know anything about me! You should stop judging me. You know what! I will get out from here. Just don't talk to me. I never knew you were the kind to butt into everything. "Saying this I pay for the drink and glass and get out of there.

"Hey! Where is Meera?"Rahul asks while I was on my way to my car."Maybe in the Bar crying. I freaking don't care, say her to be within her limits."I tell while I was getting in the car and start driving after I fully get seated. From the rearview mirror, I could see Rahul looking at me dumbstruck.

As I was driving, I see a girl In my way. I hit breaks as fast as possible. My car stops and I clearly see the girl in front of me. She is the same bob hair, Tan skinned Alia who I met today at the wedding. I was fast to get out of the car."Hey! Alia, Are you fine?"I ask as she slowly stands."Hey! I am fine. It's good to see you here."She tells me with a smile.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"I ask her examining her up and down."I am fine. Why are you driving like this?"She asks me while slowly dusting herself."Are you angry or something?" She continued.

"Yeah! I kinda got angry with my friend."I tell her while sulking a bit."What did they do?"She asks me."She talked about something which I didn't like."I tell her.

"Ohh! It's really bad when other's talk about something we hate. I hate it too when people talk about my parents."She tells me."Your parent?"I ask her.

"Yeah! My parents are divorced, so I don't like talking about them much. If you want you can share about what you hate?"She asks me.

"Even my parents are divorced."After telling her everything I felt at ease and connected to her so well.

"I think your friends are toxic for you."She tells me."I don't think-" I was about to tell.

"No Sharath. As you told if that girl Meera really cared about you she would have not talked about it. I think she just wants to see you miserable and also If Karthik and Rahul cared they would ask you. You better stay away from them."She tells me.

I really understand what she was telling what's the point of being with them when they don't even understand."Yeah! I will stay away from them."I tell her.

"Good! So if you don't mind can we be friends?"She asks. She is helping me so much shouldn't we be friends."We already are Alia."I tell her. She smiles at me and hugs me. I found myself a new and true friend. Now I can permanently stay away from them.

🌷Meera's POV

What just happened? Sharath is angry at me. I still remember clearly. I was just trying to get him to say so that he can feel a little better. I know I was at fault for bringing it abruptly. But it's the first-ever time he shouted at me.

I never got shouted after I left my parents. All the memories of my parents ill-treating me come to my mind. My heart was palpitating and breathing was becoming tough. I knew that I was sitting in a bar filled with people but it was the least of my concern. 

Before I could process anything two hands come and engulf me in a hug."Meera!Breath."It was Rahul. I slowly try to breathe but nothing goes into my lungs. I could feel my hands and feet getting cold, I was sweating. The more I think about my parents the more I could feel my heart racing. The only words I could speak was "Get me out."I guess Rahul understood. We were out in a few minutes. But still, everything was going numb.

🌷Rahul POV

I find Meera in this state after Sharath abruptly left. She was having a panic attack. I could feel her getting cold under me. She is not breathing properly. It's been 5 minutes since it started and it doesn't stop."Get me out."I hear from her. She closes her eyes off and cups her mouth. I was soon enough to react and took her to her apartment. As soon as we reach the apartment Meera runs to the bathroom and vomits everything.

She slowly regains her breathing but still doesn't talk anything. She just goes to her room locked herself before I could call on her. I go and bang the door but I don't get any response. Only one person who could help me out of this. It's Adithi, but she is at Karthik's house. Should I call her? She made me responsible for Meera's safety, If she finds this out later she will feel more hurt. I think I need to call her.

I take out my phone and call Adithi. After a few rings, Adithi lifts my call."Rahul if this is about you teasing me about my first night you can cut the call."She tells me from the other line."I wish it was."I tell her in a meek voice."What happened ?"She asks me ."Meera had a panic attack, she threw up and now she is sitting in her room locking the door."I tell her in one go."I am coming."Adithi says cutting the call.

Just then I hear a glass shatter in her room.


Word count:1330

I know I promised a double chapter today. I will be posting that by afternoon. So how do you like this chapter? Do you think Sharath's Response is justified? What are your thoughts on the new character Alia? Comment down below. Also, vote if you liked the chapter. So next chapter by today afternoon.Until then


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