Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

🌷Meera POV

I freaked out at first but never the less excited to see everyone Rahul, Karthik, Aryan, Sneha, Shravani, and my favorite people of all Anu and Sara. They come and jump on to me prepping me with hugs and kisses. 

I can't see Adithi. Just then Lights go off again and Adithi comes out from the kitchen with a huge cake in her hands. Everyone starts singing the birthday song. Without me realizing tears sprang up in my eyes. Adithi comes near me with the cake in her hands" Make a wish and blow the candles she says to me. I wipe my tears and blow the candles. Rahul hands me a knife. I cut the cake and feed Adithi first then everyone else.

After having a bit of cake everyone gathers in the living room."It's time for gifts" She tells everyone."You have done this much! Now gifts as well ."I say surprised.

"The more the merrier."Rahul chimes from beside me. I smile at his words. First Adithi comes towards me with a flat box. She has a sneaky smile on her face ."I know you have wanted this for so long."She tells me."I have been wanting many things for so long, you need to be specific dear ."I tell her. But she just urges me to open it.

Once I open it I cant believe my eyes. It's the stethoscope, I have been wanting from the start of my college. I tear up again. Adithi comes and hugs me from the side."You like it?"She asks me."I love it so much."I tell her hugging her back. Then it's Karthik's turn."I hope you like it."He tells me."Thank you "I tell him back taking the gift from his hands.

I snort at the gift. It's a Chanel perfume."Do I smell that bad?"I ask him laughing. He was fast to deny."No! I saw coco written on it, you like chocolate, so I bought it."He says. Everyone starts laughing.

" It's nowhere near chocolate.The perfumes name is 'Coco Mademoiselle Eau De Parfum-'Its top notes are many different orandge versions like mandarin and bergamot.It was created by Jacques polge. It was launched in –"Before he could complete Karthik stops hin."Yeah, I get it, not chocolate. Meera do you like it?"He asks me I nod my head up and down like a kid.

"I always wanted to own a costly perfume."I tell him sheepishly and give him a hug for this awesome gift. Then Sharath's turn."Happy birthday Meera. I know, I made you walk a lot today. Sorry for that."He tells me.

" It's fine. I was very happy to help."I tell him."We have this bond of love for kdramas no one shares. You told me this was your favorite Kdrama. So this is the gift for you ."He say and brings out this huge wrapped box. 

 I"Are you for real? This is huge!"I ask him.For which he just shrugs. I take this huge box from his hands. I open the wrapper I take a peak into the box. I get a shock from seeing what he got me. 

I cup my mouth in amusement "You just didn't."I ask in disbelief."But I did."He shrugs. I open the box totally and take out the Sugo cow. If you saw the drama you will know. I smile looking at the plushie. 

I slowly keep it aside.I stand up and hug Sharath, He hugs me back."You know what this cow means right?"He asks me."Yes! It means you have done a good job."I tell him smiling from eye to slowly releasing from the hug."Yes! I give this to tell you that you did a good job till now."He tells me."Thank you so much ."I tell him.

Now Sara and Anu both come towards me. First Anu gives me a gift."Happy Birthday, Meera didi."She tells me. She hands me a greeting card, it looked really pretty with her handwriting."It looks really beautiful Anu.Thanks for making it with your small little hands."I tell her kissing her hands.

Then comes Sara .she has a thin gift wrapped in pink color wrapping paper."Thank you so much, Sara."I tell her ."Open it! Open it!"She stats jumping in her spot. I smile at her cuteness. I unwrap it to find a photo frame with a drawing of me, Sara, and Anu."It's really beautiful Sara. You are a born artist" I tell her.

She smiles at me and says thank you."Thank you!Sara for this beautiful gift. Now you both come with me."I take them to my room.I place Sara's frame on my table and take out an empty photo frame from my drawer. I bought it because it was very cute and didn't have any photos to put in it.

I put Anu's greeting card in it."I am placing it here so I am always reminded of the two beautiful angels in my life."I tell them. They jump into my arms. I carry them out of my room. Everyone laughs seeing me carry both of them. Once we reach the hall I put them down.

Then Aryan and Sneha come towards me and give me another gift."You didn't have to." I tell them."But they just tell me to open it."Woah!"I say shocked."I was planning to buy these. They have the best products and of all, they are cruelty-free and vegan" I tell them.

"This brand is owned by Sneha."Karthik tells me from the side."That's even more awesome. Thank you so much."I tell them. They nod pleasantly. Then Shravani comes and hands me another package. It's a rose gold butterfly chain."Hey! it's so beautiful."I tell her.

"It even matches your earrings."Rahul tells me from beside."Ohh yeah, it does."I get excited like a kid. Shravani chuckles at my childishness."Yeah, wear it. Rahul helped me buy this."She tells me. I turn towards Rahul and he signals me to wear it. I take my time to wear it. Everyone praises Rahul's choice on how it suits me very well.

Then Rahul comes towards me."Many gave you really beautiful gifts. I have one too I hope you really like it."He tells me handing me a package. It's wrapped in a really beautiful wrapping paper.

I slowly and carefully opening trying hard not to damage the wrapper. I open to find clothes in it. It's a beautiful Lehenga. It was lavender in color with a lot of embroideries. There was a tag on it. I turn to check the tag and it had the word Meera on it.

"You made it for me I ask him."He nods in confirmation. I place the dress on the table and hug him tight." Thank you so much ."I whisper to him. He too hugs me back. We were stuck like that for a few minutes until Karthik clears his throat. I back away a bit flushed. But before I could totally back from the hug. Rahul slips a paper into my hand. It read 'Meet me when everyone leaves'.I give him a thumbs up.

We have dinner . Sara and Anu are tired, so they have to leave to go to their houses. The parents the kids leave. Me, Adithi, Rahul, Sharath, and Karthik are left."Thank you guys, it's the best birthday ever in my life."I tell them. They all give me their million-dollar smile. Everyone starts cleaning the house. I try to help them but they shove me off. After a few minutes, Rahul shouts."I and Meera are going to get ice cream."He tells them and drags me out before they could answer anything.

"You look beautiful in this dress."He tells me."Thank you it's not that great."I tell him."No, trust me you look beautiful." he tells."You wanted to talk?"I ask him remembering the small slip he gave me.

"I wanted to spend time with you alone." he tells with a cute smile on his face. I suddenly blush at his comment."The Lehanga is so beautiful" I say trying hard not to feel anything towards him cause I know, it will break my heart."I got to know about your birthday three days back. I couldn't do much."I look at him with a smile on my face.

"No! You guys did a lot,I have never cut a birthday cake in my life. Never I got these many presents. I am truly happy these days."I tell him."Yes! Always stay happy."He tells me with a smile. That always makes me skip a beat.

I should stop myself from liking him. He is just helping me to feel good about myself and a friend. I just don't want to make things awkward between us with my feelings. He is a really good friend I don't wanna lose.

The night of my first ever perfect birthday ends with me eating ice cream with my newfound best friends. I really hope I don't lose anyone of them. Especially Rahul cause I think I can't stop my feelings for him.


Word count:1456

How did you like the update? The next update will be tomorrow are day after. So stay tuned for that. If you are liking the chapter please vote and comment how you like it.

The song this day is Masterpiece-by Summer Luk is a Really beautiful song. The lyrics are simple yet awesome. So please check it out!!!

Please vote and comment, so my story reaches more audience.


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