Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

🌷Adithi POV

I was never this angry in my whole life. We talked so well a few days back. That date is the best date ever. I remember he brought me flowers really beautiful ones, to be honest. After that date, I went to my parent's house again. And they told me they answered yes from my side.

I was not worried because I know Karthik will obviously say no. So I got on with it without thinking too much.

But little did I know he would answer yes as well. I fought with my parents. But they weren't budging at all.

"Mom! I don't want this. "I was shouting like crazy "Me and your dad have already informed them. Our decision is final." I was very angry. I stomped my feet and went into my room. Is this how it is going to end? I hope not. I shouldn't have met them.

I sent a sweet voice mail to Karthik. I called Rahul to ask him about the penthouse, but he wouldn't let me in without the reason. So I had to tell him everything.

I am currently standing in Karthik's penthouse. I can burn it off at any second. After the fight with my parents, I left my house. I told Meera too. But she says it might be a misunderstanding.

I am pretty sure he wanted to torture me more that's why he did this! I freaking know!. Meera, Rahul, and Sharath are with me. They are trying to cool me down. But little did they know that shit will go down so bad today.

We hear the keys rustling."Yes! That idiot is here."I shout. He comes inside with a suitcase in hand. I know he got back from the meeting today only. But that is none of my concern."How could you do this to me?"I shout."What did I do?"He retorts back.

"Stop acting dumb! You did everything purposely."I shout back. This time he raises his voice as well."I don't even know what is happening! Will you mind enlightening me?"

I lose my patience now."Why the hell are you acting dumb. I know you hate me with all your heart. You didn't have to torture me by marrying me as well."I am shouting I know but I could care less.

"What I never told am marrying you ?"He answers back. His damn audacity."Yeah! You don't know that we will be having engagement after the new year too right?!"I mock him. As if a draught of realization hit him he facepalms himself."I am so sorry! Mom called me when I was in a meeting. I didn't know what she was telling and I told a yes."

Now I am surely boiling with anger. Saying I want to rip off his head would be an understatement."You are really an idiot! And I will be marrying this idiot."I tell turning towards Meera."I didn't do it purposely. Did I say am sorry right? Y are you shouting."I am fed up now."But that won't change the fact am marrying you. Will it!"I retort back.

"Will you both shut up!"This time Meera shouts back."First of all, you both take a seat."She orders.

We both scurry back to the sofa and sit at a safe distance away from each other. Meera comes and stands in front of us."As a matter of fact. Both of your parents won't stop the Marriage when you both practically told a yes."I get angry at that statement cause she is right.

"You guys have only one option-Get married."What the hell is she talking about."WHAT!"I and Karthik shout at the same time."Have patience, you idiots! After being together for two years. Say it is not working out and get divorced."She shrugs.

"It sounds somewhat better."Rahul aggress with Meera and Sharath agrees as well  with a nod."What? I can't do that." Both me and Karthik shout at the same time.

"It's the only safe choice or if you are gutsy enough go tell Namratha Aunty you don't like this marriage," Rahul tells us both. After a lot of negotiation, we settled on getting married. I still can't believe I am getting married to this idiot.

I would lie if I told you I didn't imagine marrying him when I was little. I loved him and I still do. But my self-respect comes in the middle. I decided to stay single living off of his memories.

But I didn't know everything would be planned this way. The news of our marriage spread like wildfire. Once I entered the hospital everyone was showering me with congratulations. It was really overwhelming.

Everyone in the hospital was invited to the reception being held on January 7th on the same day of the engagement. More 5 days for our engagement. I had to take 5 days' leave cause My mom, Namratha aunty, and Meera, filled my schedule with parlor appointments and we have to purchase a 'beautiful dress' for my engagement and reception. Meera is decided to be the stylist for me on that day. They told me they will arrange a professional for the wedding day. I m definitely up for a treat in the future. Wish me luck. 


Word count:866

I know this chapter is small. Please bear with it. I didn't have time. I will be updating the next chapter tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. Please take care of your health.

Stay tuned for the next chapter


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