Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

🌷Adithi POV
(2 weeks later)

"Karthik! Come for breakfast." I shout as I sit at the table with my three other friends. It's been so hard to get to normal for all of us. We all share some special memories with dad, and it's hard to accept that he is no more. But we can't let that show, if we do Karthik will feel bad.

"Let's eat!" Meera says as Karthik joins us in his disheveled hair and stubble beard, indicating very well that he is still going through the rough patch. He comes and sits beside me but not a word comes out of his mouth.

"Wait! I realized something your Marriage anniversary is coming up in 3 weeks!" Rahul says as he stuffs his mouth with food.
"Has it already been a year with you hooligans?" Sharath quirks his eyebrows as we glare at him.

"Ok Fine! I was the bad guy a few days back." He murmurs sulking back and sipping his black coffee.

"But really in the span of a year so much changed," I say standing up to go grab the other mug of coffee, I left on the kitchen counter.

"Yup It sure did," Rahul says from beside me refilling his coffee once again.

"Why don't we go out?" Meera asks everyone clapping her hands.

"You guys go, I have some work to do," Karthik tells as he is about to finish his breakfast. But as we all know Meera doesn't budge.

"Get.Ready.Right.Now" She says giving him a death stare. She is really the only one who can control him. But let's see what my stubborn head does.

"I don't wanna come," he says more like whines as he is about to throw his eaten plate.

Meera as well stands up with him and gives him a puppy face while murmuring 'please come with us.'

"Come on! You can't say no to that cute face. Look at those eyes." Rahul butts in while nudging Karthik in the ribs.

"You are whipped for her, not me," Karthik says shaking his washed hands and moves back to his den aka bedroom, which even I am not able to enter.

Defeated Meera sits down and starts whining "I for once wanted to bunk class." She snickers, throwing a tantrum.

"Can't you do anything? You're his wife for god's sake." She tells me with a pout on her face.

"Nope! It's his wish and you know that better than me." I tell her sitting back in my previous place.

After some talking, we all get ready to go to the nearby mall, as we were about to leave Karthik comes out a bit well dressed.

"Am coming." He says as he starts stuffing his pocket with his wallet. Meera seems happy that Karthik decided to come with us. She goes and gives him a tight hug.

"Your puppy eyes didn't work, am coming for my wife." He says looking at me that makes my heart skip a beat, my beet-red face doesn't go unnoticed by the others, and Rahul starts teasing me for it.

"Get over it" I smack him on the shoulder. I go back to my husband and take his hand.

"Let's go," I say looking into his eyes, with a proud smile, which for me indicates that he is slowly healing.

We decide to play around for a while, then decide to have more food at the food court. I mean come on who would say no to food.

Karthik might not be his happy jovial self. But he is still making an effort. After enjoying the whole day.

We both are dropped off at our house by Rahul. We get inside and get changed.

"Today was fun right!"I say as I sit on the sofa to watch a movie with him but his lack of answer makes me very suspicious.

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