Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

🌷Adithi POV

After a really long flight. We reached the islands. We both were jet-lagged. Karthik has a meeting in the afternoon, followed by an after-party which I will be attending as well. After reaching the suite, Karthik left me to take care of his meetings and all. He introduced me to Claire says she will be there for me if I had anything I need.

"Hey! It's nice meeting you."I greet the 20-22-year-old girl with a smile.

"Hello, Mam please let me know if there is anything."She tells me. I nod at her and go into my room. It's a really costly suite. Karthik's room was beside mine, it also has a common living room. I didn't expect him to go this extravaganza.

I unpack my stuff So I could take a warm bath only to find out I left the dress I bought at home. I was a bit scared if Karthik would get angry." Claire," I called her from my room, within few seconds she came to my room.

"I forgot to pack a dress for tonight's party. Is there any arrangement that can be made?"I ask her.

"Yes, Mam! There are really good stores nearby. Will you tell me your preference?" she asks me. I was relieved by her answer."Make sure it is black in color and suitable for a party ."I tell her.

"Mam give me two hours I will arrange it. Would you like to try the spa downstairs in the meantime?" she asks me.

Why not? I thought."Yeah, I would love that."I tell her. She escorts me to the spa. Where I had the best time of my life. It was as if all the stress from my body was leaving and before I knew it was already time to get ready for the after-party.

🌷Karthik POV

I still can't believe that Adithi loves me. I still can't. We are here together for a business meeting. I left her in the room with Claire. I have been making sure she was alright. Claire told me she is in the spa. I am happy that she is enjoying this trip.

But I still can't get over the fact she loves me. So, does that mean that she forgave me because she loves me? I have a lot of questions. I have carried these questions with me all day during the meeting as well.

I texted Adithi telling her I will come to pick her up and we would go together. She texted me back with an ok so now am standing in the living room waiting for her to come out from her room.

The door opens slowly and Adithi comes out wearing a black halter neck body con dress coming till her knees. She was looking so beautiful in this. She usually always looks beautiful, but now she is stunning.

"Let's go."She asks me with a very cute smile. I nod my head up and down. It's already time for the party. It's an Island party so it was being conducted outdoors. We enter the party and I went to greet Mr. Stephen."Hello."I tell the 50-year-old man approaching me. I shake my hand with him and introduce Adithi as my wife.

"Hello, Mrs.Aurora, it's my pleasure to meet you. Oh my! You look very beautiful."He tells shaking her hand. To which Adithi just nods and doesn't answer much."Do you work Mrs. Aroura ?"He asks her after a few exchanges," Yeah! Am a doctor. I work at My father-in-law's hospital." she tells him. Has she always been this cute? I know I am staring at her. I better stop.

"Oh!Beauty with brains I see."He tells her. I think she is not enjoying the conversation that much."Mr.Stephen if you excuse us we would like to check out the drink section," I tell him." Yes! Karthik, Enjoy the party." he tells us and goes to meet the others.

"He is such a jerk."I hear Adithi exclaim."Why do you think so?"I ask her curiously.

"He is a sexist. Calling a girl beauty with brains! Isn't that so demeaning? Boiling my sense of existence to just my looks. Can't a girl be beautiful and intelligent? I mean every girl is beautiful and intelligent."She tells me. 

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