Took me long enough!

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🌷Author POV

It's been a year since Meera and Rahul's marriage. Everything seems to go smoothly, Rahul going to his office, Meera to the hospital, and just to come back home and spend the night together. 

But one day Rahul gets a call from Meera when he was in the meeting.

"Am sorry! It's an important call." Rahul mutters as he stops his company meeting and goes out of the room.

"Hello, Why the sudden call?" Rahul asks as he keeps an eye through the glass doors to check what his employees were doing. But in place of reply, he hears a small sniffle from the other side.

"Meera? Are you crying?" Rahul questions, it's been five years since they have known each other, but still, he is the same caring guy he was since the start of the relationship.

" Where are you?"  Rahul questions only to hear a small murmur of home from the other side.

That was enough for him to stop the meeting for now and leave for their home. He parked the car in his garage and ran towards the front door. He started banging it really hard. But there was no response. He was scared a bit, he took out his keys and opened the front door himself there was no sign of her in the front room, expecting her to be in their bedroom. He saw her sitting on the bed with a box in hand. Tears were rolling down her face. Rahul went and sat beside her.

He ran his hand through her hair as if asking her what happened. But the only thing she did is hand the small box in her hand. Rahul slowly took it from her and opened it slowly. The box has two little shoes, two tiny socks, and a small onesie that read " Ready to be a dad?" with a small ultrasound scan beside it.

"I love you," Meera muttered pulling Rahul into a hug, but Rahul was in a whole other dimension. They did long for a baby, though this wasn't planned they sure knew they badly wanted a baby, living proof of their love.

" I love you so so much!" Rahul says soon enough getting on his knee, Meera stands up after him only for him to place a tiny kiss on her stomach.

Meera was also about to get on her knee but Rahul stops her and makes her sit on the bed again.

They hug each other with no words shared.


" Meera!! You finally made me an Aunt!" Adithi jumps up and down. " Karthik am an Aunt! My best friend has a baby growing in her tummy." Adithi continued. 

The couple finally revealed it to their friends.

"We are proud of you." Karthik ushers. While Sharath pulls them both into a hug.

" I am proud of my wife." Rahul chimes as he places a kiss on her forehead.


9 months later

This pregnancy was certainly super hard for Meera, with morning sickness and pregnancy cravings it was not at all easy. But according to Meera the pregnancy glow made her look and feel so beautiful and to Rahul, he fell in love with her again.

Today was the due date. Everyone was lined up in front of the hospital room and let's say the screams were super bad.

" We really will not be having another baby!" Meera shouts at Rahul who is helping her push through her contractions.

"Yeah fine! For now, concentrate on pushing." Rahul says as he holds her hand super tight.

"Don't tell me what to do?! You did everything." Meera shouts again, but Rahul was super patient with her.

"Ok! Am sorry." He says as Meera lets out another painful shriek.

"Ahh! It FUCKING hurts!" Meera shouts. Outside of the room everyone was shocked to hear Meera cuss. Meera never cusses. But who can blame her? pushing out a baby is not easy.

"Give some more pushes dear. You will get through." The doctor says as she waits to catch the baby in her hands.

After a few more pushes the baby was out.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!" The doctor says after checking the baby's health. 

"Thank you so much!" Rahul says as he places a forehead kiss on Meera who just closes her eyes due to tiredness.  Soon enough the doctor places the baby on Meera's chest to bond with the baby.

While Meera was taken out for post-pregnancy care Rahul takes a good look at his daughter she looked just like him but has her mother's beautiful brown eyes.

But they take back the baby for a full check-up and Rahul leaves the operation theater still not believing he is a father now. 

Just as he was out of the room Rahul's step-mom comes in front of him expecting an answer.

"Girl" Rahul answers. That makes his step-mom smile from ear to ear. She gives him a tight hug. Then sure enough everyone surrounds him and gives him a strong hug.

After waiting for a while they all go and check up on Meera. Everything went fine the little baby born is super healthy.

"Have you guys decided on the name?" Karthik asks as he hands over the baby to Meera. 

Meera gives a loving look at her daughter and then looks back at her husband.

" Pooja Savan." She says looking back at her daughter.

"Isn't that-" Sharath confuses a bit.

"Yes, my mom's name," Rahul says hugging Meera.


Yes!!! Rahul and Meera are parents now!!!! Yippeee!!
Also, I have a little not so little surprise!!

*Drum roll!*

I will be writing Sharath and Eshana's story! Yes, a new novel!! There is a lot that happened (in the story) and I really really feel Sharath deserves a book for himself!! So stay tuned for that!!!
Also, I don't think I can be far away from my characters!!!

Lots of love!!

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