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⚠️ Warning: Death, blood, and violence


I lifted my hand up to my ear to adjust the black earpiece placed in it.
"Yes, dad! What's wrong?" I replied.

"How many more rounds do you have?"

I dug my hand into my pocket and felt six cold metal pieces against my skin. "Enough for one round."

"Four men are down in the East corridor. Eren's still here, and we need help. Are you almost done up there?" I could hear the panic in my father's voice.

I stared at the man in front of me. He was tall - really tall - muscular, and was kind of attractive. Without hesitation, I aimed my gun at him and pulled the trigger. The bullet fired right into his forehead, leaving a clean hole while his body collapsed onto the tile floor. Stepping over the pool of blood, I reached out and grabbed his golden quartz ring. I mentally scoffed. What a waste of an expensive ring on that idiot.

"Keiji are you there?" My father's voice rung out in my ear.

"Yes, I'm on my way." I ran out of the room and down the spiral staircase. Lifeless bodies scattered the floor. The middle aged woman and her daughter were sprawled on the floor with their blood splattered onto the walls. The young girl's throat was slit, and a blade stuck out from the woman's chest. I hate knives.

Suddenly, gunshots erupted from the other room. I snapped back into reality and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I sprinted into the room to find Eren lying dead on the floor and three guns pointing at my father.




All three were dead in a matter of seconds. I stuck my gun into its holder and rushed over to my father. "Dad, are you okay?"

His blue eyes met my blue-green ones, and he softly chuckled. He ruffled my black curly hair that precisely matched his and spoke, "Those were some killer shots."

I laughed at the terrible pun, which signaled that my father was indeed alright. "Let's get out of here. Don't wanna keep mom waiting."

My father nodded and reached up to his earpiece. "Daichi and Kuroo." Is everyone okay on your ends?" 

I couldn't hear what was being said since the earpieces were designed to only be heard by the person wearing them, but as I watched my father's brows pull back up and a sigh escape his mouth, I knew that everyone was okay.

"Let's go."

We quietly exited the building and boarded the black car followed by the rest of the gang. Everyone sat still with neutral expressions on their faces as the driver drove us back to our headquarters.

Once we reached the headquarters - which was just a ratty old warehouse building - everyone gathered around for the debriefing that occurs after an usual mission.

My father stepped up ahead of the group. The rest of us fell back, arms at our sides, shoulders pushed back, and eyes on my father.

He crossed his arms and spoke in an authoritative tone, "Not our best effort. Four of our men died, which could've easily been prevented if the East corridor was effectively handled."

I inhaled and knew what everyone was thinking. That fool in the East corridor. He's done for.

"But," my father spoke again, surprising me. "what happened is over. It's better not to dwell on the mistakes but move forward and not repeat them. 

What? He's not going to say anything about the bastard that got four of our men killed? That's...unusual.

My father dismissed the group, and I heard shuffling as people exited the warehouse, relieved to be leaving. I, however, was confused by what just happened. I peered over to see my dad scrolling on his phone.

I walked over to him questioned his decision, "Hey, da-"

"Hey, Keiji." He cut me off. "I know what you're going to ask, and we can talk about it tomorrow. I'm really tired, so let's head home."

I pursed my lips and simply nodded. I knew better than to question my dad when he said he was tired.

We drove home and were greeted by mother. I gave her a kiss on her cheek, told her I wasn't hungry, and headed upstairs to my room. I took a shower and decided to scroll through my phone while drying my damp hair. A few minutes later, I crawled under my covers and stared up at my plain white ceiling. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


The next morning, I was jolted awake by my phone alarm. Unbeknownst to me, I was too close to the edge of my bed and ended up landing on the floor with a resounding thud. Ouch.

"Keiji, what happened?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Nothing mom, I'm okay." I replied, turning off the annoying alarm.

I trudged into my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and showered. I was just about to get dressed when my phone rang. I picked it up and was greeted by Kuroo. I put it on speaker and started to get dressed.

"Hey Kuroo, what's up?"

"Hey, I was gonna go to the shooting range with Teru today, but his lazy ass decided to sleep until 2 pm, and I was really looking forward to it because I suck at shooting, and I wanna get better so I can hel-"

"Kuroo. I'll go with you. I'll meet you there in 20."

I heard a sigh from my phone and chuckled.

"Thanks bro. I'll see you then." He hung up, and I continued getting dress. Once I was done, I headed downstairs and found my mother ready for work.

"Good morning honey. I'm sorry I didn't have time to make breakfast but I did make you a cup of coffee," she pointed at the mug set on the table.

"Good morning. Thanks mom, but I'm 21. I think I can handle my own breakfast."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "21 or not, a mother will always worry."

I laughed as she kissed my forehead. "I'll be back late tonight, so don't wait up if you and dad come back early."

I nodded and watched her walk out the door. I walked over and sat by the table, sipping the coffee. My eyes roamed my house, and I realized that I never really noticed how big my house was. I mean, we weren't extremely rich, but we did have enough money to buy a nice big house for the three of us. I frowned. Well, now it's the three of us.

I shook my head and remembered that I had to meet Kuroo at the shooting range. I put my mug in the sink, texted Kuroo that I was on the way, and slipped outside. I jogged down to the shooting range, which was actually quite close.

Once I entered the building, I grabbed a pair of earmuffs and made my way to find Kuroo. I looked around, but I couldn't see him. Might as well warmup.

I walked over to a divider and picked up the gun. I held it in front of me, squinted my non-dominant eye, and took aim. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, a loud obnoxious voice erupted from my side.


Panic swept through me, as my finger slipped on the trigger, and I lost my aim. The bullet emerged from the gun and landed on the outermost edge of the target. Damn it. I never miss. Who the fuck messed me up?

I swiveled my head to the right and was met with an oddly familiar pair of golden eyes.

Ahhhhh. First chapter.

I'm so sorry this is so long, and if it's awful. I did not mean to bore you guys.

I'm not sure what my update schedule is gonna be. I think I need to write a few chapters before I get the hang of it.

I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading and consider voting if you enjoyed it!

Stay safe. <3

Words: 1361 (Whoaa over 1.3k)

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