The Future - Epilogue

152 11 66

*6 years later*


"I'm coming!"

I heard loud footsteps echo around the house as the well built male skipped down the stairs. He ran his hands through his wet hair and hurried over to the kitchen counter.

"Ah Keiji, I'm running late!"

I turned back towards the sink and squirted a generous amount of dish soap onto the little green sponge before scrubbing the dishes. 

"I woke you up on time. You decided to sleep in," I said, slightly shaking my head.

I felt a pair of arms slide around my waist and grip me tightly, pulling me a bit away from the sink. A sweet scent of vanilla wafted into my nose as a weight landed on my shoulder. Koutarou nuzzled his face against the side of my neck, and his warm breath made every part of skin tingle in ecstasy.

"It's not my fault I was tired from last night," Koutarou mumbled. 

The tips of my ears grew hot, and I briskly rinsed off the white foam on the solid colored plates and set them on the marble countertop. 

Koutarou lifted his head up off my shoulder, and I took the opportunity to turn around and face him. The edges of his lips curled up, and his lips parted into a wide smile, flashing his flawlessly straight white teeth. His eyes played with the sunbeams casting into the kitchen, the brown and golden hues mingling like the fresh blossoming of sunflowers.

His hands rested on the small of my back, and he pulled me closer to his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly grazed the small strands of hair at the nape of his neck. I leaned in closer to his lips but quickly moved my head so that it was placed right next to his ear.

"But's not my fault that you wanted four more rounds last night," I whispered.

I pulled my head back to be met with a flabbergasted Koutarou. His lips were slightly parted in surprise, and his eyes were wide with embarrassment. I lightly chuckled and placed a quick peck on his lips. I placed my hand on his hard chest and pushed him away. 

"Aren't you late?" I asked, tilting my head and furrowing my brows a bit. I attempted to act completely oblivious to the current atmosphere.

"Oh shit!" Koutarou snapped out of his embarrassed state and rushed into the living room. 

He paced around the room, stuffing his keys, wallet, and phone in his pockets and grabbed his jacket off of the wooden coat rack near the door.

He patted his pockets and made sure he had everything he needed before unlocking the door.

"Ahem," I said, clearing my throat. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow, silently boring my blue-green eyes into his.

"Oh right," he laughed and leaned towards me, planting his lips on top of mine.

"Bye baby, I'll see you later tonight. I love you!"

He once again stepped out of the door before I fake coughed, alerting him that he was forgetting something else. He impatiently turned back towards me and attempted to remember what he was missing. 

"Oh my watch!" He practically sprinted to the living room and grabbed the silver Rolex watch sitting on the coffee table.

He gave me another kiss (on the cheek this time) and said, "Before you get mad, no I didn't forget. I'll be at the play today."

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