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I swiveled my head to the right and was met with an oddly familiar pair of golden eyes. 

He had spiky hair colored with black and grey tones. His eyes were a breathtaking shade of a golden hue, glowing like a thousand candles reflecting in pure ocean water. I followed his toned arms down to his small hands that rested on his slender waist. He was a few inches taller than me, which was actually pretty tall considering I wasn't short. Wow, he's gorgeous.  

I felt my cheeks warm up and blinked a few times, snapping out of my thoughts. I set the gun back in its holder and crossed my arms, glaring into those golden orbs. 

"I-I'm sorry if I messed you up," he nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "I just saw you so focused and wanted to say hi."

I accidentally snorted but immediately covered it with a cough. "It's fine." 

I looked down at my watch and realized that I had been here for about 20 minutes, and Kuroo still hadn't arrived yet. I turned around to pick up the gun, but was again interrupted by the same deafening voice.  

"So what's your name?" Any hint of nervousness left his voice and only enthusiasm and curiosity lingered now. 

I turned around and stared at him. Number one rule of being part of a crime gang - don't go around telling people your name. But there was something different about this man. I felt like I could trust him, but I know I shouldn't. I don't wanna be rude. Can he just leave already?

Detecting the hesitancy in my decision, he continued, "That's fine if you're not comfortable. I'll go first." He extended his hand and introduced himself, "Bokuto Koutarou."

As if my body took control over my mind, my hand swung out and shook his. Despite my initial uncertainty, I was curious to who this stranger was, "I'm Aka-"

I stopped as I felt a weight on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to see a ravenette with a bad case of bed head. Ah, Kuroo. Lovely.

What came next out his mouth surprised me though, "Bokubro!!!"

I turned back to see Bokuto with a wide grin on his face, "KUBRO!!!" He lunged forward, intending to hug Kuroo, and I briskly ducked out, avoiding an Akaashi pancake. 

"How are you man?" Kuroo exclaimed, slinging an arm around Bokuto's shoulder. 

"Awesome, dude. It's been forever since I've seen you bro." 

I awkwardly shifted my stance as I watched the two taller boys exchange remarks. They were both extremely loud, and I could feel a slight migraine starting to form. I sighed and started walking back to my shooting area but was AGAIN stopped - by Kuroo this time. 

"Hey Akaashi. Sorry I'm late. I got held up," Kuroo apologized.

I turned back around, mildly annoyed with the hindrances, "It's fine, Kuroo. Are you ready to practice?"

"Of course. Hey Bokubro, wanna practice with us?" Kuroo asked Bokuto. 

"Sure bro." He turned back to me. His bright smile changed into a soft one, and I felt a warm surge go through my body. "So, Akaashi huh?"

I nodded. "Akaashi Keiji," I said, walking back to my area.

Bokuto and Kuroo followed me and picked their spots, which just happened to be on either side of me. They picked up their guns and started firing. I picked my gun up, aimed, and pulled back the trigger. Bullseye. I then turned to my left to watch Kuroo fire. His shot was slightly off from the center, but was a good one nonetheless. 

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