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🌸 Fluff Warning 🌸

I opened my eyes as bright rays of sunshine entered my room. I felt a hard surface under me and heard light snores. I looked up and was met with a spiky haired male with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I smiled at the sight. He's so adorable.

I slowly lifted my head off his chest and unwrapped his arm from my torso. I didn't wanna wake him up. But then I heard a soft grunt and a hoarse voice mumble, "No..."

His hand gripped tighter on my waist and pulled me back. My cheeks flushed pink, and I was so grateful Bokuto's eyes were shut.

I positioned myself so I could see him better and sighed. "Bokuto-san we need to get up. We have to get to the warehouse."

Bokuto whined and opened his eyes. He seemed to realize where he was as his eyes widened, and he abruptly stood up.

"O-oh I'm sorry," he nervously said, making indecipherable hand gestures.

I chuckled and walked over to him. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm glad I asked you to spend the night." I smiled warmly at him and saw him blush.

I let out a small laugh and walked over to my bathroom door. "Let me take a quick shower. You're welcome to shower after me. I can make breakfast."

Bokuto smiled and said, "My clothes are at home so how about we stop at my house after breakfast?"

I nodded. "S-sure Bokuto-san."

After I showered, we both made our way downstairs.

"Coffee?" I asked. He nodded, and I proceeded in making a little more coffee than I usually do.

I checked my phone and was surprised to see that my father had called off the meetings for today. Ever since my mother died, my father has basically been living at the warehouse. He did the same thing when my older sister Mio died. That's his way of coping.

The sound of liquid trickling into the coffee pot snapped me out of my thoughts, and I poured the coffee into two mugs. I handed one to Bokuto and was surprised that a bright cheery individual favored black coffee.

"So, 'Kaashi...did you see your dad's text?"

I nodded and took a sip from my mug.

"I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!! We should hang out together today!!" He bounced on his feet as he talked.

I took another sip of my coffee as I thought. Hang out? With him? Like...a date?

"We could go get breakfast!! What do ya say 'Kaashi?!?!"

I stared at Bokuto and could practically feel the eagerness radiating off of him. I set my mug in the sink and took Bokuto's as well. I turned around, placing my hands just behind me on the counter. "Okay, let's go."

Bokuto jumped up and down, waving his hands in the air. It kinda reminded me of the enthusiastic orange haired boy I met back in high school. I chuckled and shook my head.

"YAY! 'KAASHI SAID YES! 'KAASHI SAID YES!" he screamed. But then he stopped jumping and looked me dead in the eye. "But I wanna shower first."

I sighed again and grabbed my keys and phone. I gestured towards the door, and after grabbing his stuff, Bokuto hopped out of the door. We got into Bokuto's car and made our way to his house.

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