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⚠️TW: Blood and Death

"Akaashi...I don't think she's alive."

As soon as I registered the words that Kenma had uttered, it felt as if my world had been shattered again. My eyes widened again. My mouth went dry again. My heart raced again. Tears stung at the back of my eyes again. No. No! No! No!

I jerked my arm from Kenma's hand and painfully swallowed. I peered at Bokuto from the corner of my eye and watched as the male looked at me with concern, and it reminded me of the pitiful stares in the common area.

"No. She's not dead. She can't be," I refused to accept the awful news.

"Akaashi, I'm not sure if she is, but she's badly injured." Kenma stated.

"You have the address, right?" I stared at Kenma, determined to get my mother back, alive.

Kenma slowly nodded.

"Great, text it to me." I turned my head to look at Bokuto. "Bokuto-san, do you have your gun on you?"

"Yes," he simply responded.

"Let's go then," I said, already walking back to the main room.

I could hear Bokuto reassure Kenma, saying something along the lines of "We'll be okay, just text us both the address." I then heard heavy footsteps getting louder behind me and felt slightly relieved knowing that Bokuto would be coming with me.

We stepped into the common room, and I was met with those pitiful stares again. But those immediately vanished as they saw Bokuto and I storm across the room towards my father.

"Dad, Kenma found mom. Bokuto and I are gonna go get her," I rushed out the door without letting my father think about stopping me with Bokuto trailing behind me.

I heard more footsteps and swiveled my head around to see Kuroo, Daichi, and Teru running along with us and smiled to myself at the fact that they cared.

Bokuto's and my phone played a soft ding sound at the same time. I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out to see a text from Kenma. I clicked on the message and opened my phone to see the address: 23764 Maybeline Street. I copied the address into my phone's GPS and ushered the others to follow me. Hang on mom, I'm coming.


We arrived at a deserted alleyway that had taken us almost an hour to reach. The sun was setting, and the pink and purple hues vanished as a midnight blue shade overcame the sky. We ran down the street, and I spotted a small building at the end.

"Guys, I think it's down that way," I said to the other males, signaling towards the building.

Smart. Nobody would even notice this place.

Up close, I could see the rust forming on the door hinges of the building and dust laying on the knob. I twisted the knob and opened the door, stimulating a loud creaking noise. We quietly stepped in with our guns in our hands and cautiously surveyed the area.

The building had a long hallway with many doors on either side that looked exactly the same. I walked to the nearest door and turned the handle. The door cracked open, and I peeked inside. Empty.

I went over to the next door and twisted the handle. Locked.

Suddenly, a loud shriek engulfed the atmosphere. My eyes widened, and I turned to look at Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi, and Teru, all with the same expression on their faces.

We bolted towards where the sound came and landed on the second to last door on the right. The door was slightly ajar, so I looked inside and was met with a black stiletto heel lying on the floor. This is it. We're coming mom.

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