
253 15 147

⚠️TW: Death and blood

"You need to turn your hips a little bit more. That way when you twist, you'll have the maximum amount of strength in your punch," Bokuto explained, placing his hands on my hips.

My face heat up a little, and I turned my head to the right to look into Bokuto's eyes. Those eyes. I planted my lips onto his and felt him reciprocate the kiss.


Bokuto and I were walking back to the car from the cherry blossoms. Our hands linked together between us, slightly swaying back and forth. As we approached the car, Bokuto stepped in front of me, letting go of my hand. I frowned at the movement and looked into those piercing golden eyes. He looked...nervous.

"So, um about what happened back there. I-I'm uh sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Bokuto stuttered.

I opened my mouth in slight shock. He continued, "I-I um...God why is this so hard to say?"

He took a deep breath and spoke, "IthinkIreallylikeyou'KaashiIthinkIhaveforawhilenow."


"Bokuto-san, you were going too fast. You need to slow down," I calmly stated.

He nodded. "Right."

He took another breath. "I-I really like you 'Kaashi. I think I have for a while now."

I softly smiled, "I like you too Bokuto-san."

His eyes lit up, reflecting the glimmering galaxy of stars in the night sky above. Those eyes. I could never get used to them. They sparkled like sweet honey basking in the sunlight. 

They were breathtaking...and familiar.

"Will you go out with me?" Bokuto's question pulled me out of my thoughts.

I smiled a little wider and responded, "Yes."

*Present Time*

I broke the kiss and smiled at Bokuto. The edges of his lips pulled up into a wide grin, and he smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to training.

I still hadn't forgotten what happened to my mother. Anyone that was involved will die at my hands. 

Bokuto and I had been practicing for days on my hand combat skills. I was already an excellent shooter with a sharp aim, and I was good enough with knives to keep myself alive. Hand to hand combat was my weakest area, and if I'm gonna kill them, I need to be able to fight without weapons.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, awaiting Bokuto to make the next move in our sparring session. He bent his knees into a fighting stance and winked at me. A gasp escaped my lips and before I knew it, a fist was hurling towards me. I quickly dodged it and planted a kick into Bokuto's abdomen. He staggered a bit at the impact but quickly recovered and kicked at the back of my knee. I stumbled at the sudden lack of support under my legs and felt Bokuto's fist contact my chest. I wheezed at the impact and fell back, landing on my butt. Bokuto slipped in a quick victory smirk, but I snatched that glory away by kicking his feet out from under him. I launched myself into a lunge position and palmed his chest with my hand, pinning him to the ground. Gotcha.

I eased the pressure of my hand off his chest, allowing both of us to stand up.

"THAT WAS SO GOOD 'KAASHI!! You're doing so much better now!! I think you're even better than me!" Bokuto smiled widely and exclaimed.

I chuckled and took a long drink of water from my bottle. Bokuto proceeded to do the same after wiping off his forehead.


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