Fairy Lights

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My cheeks burned, and my body tensed up at the touch. I turned my head to be met with a smiling face, eyes glimmering. Our faces were insanely close, and I was tempted to smash my lips onto his soft ones. 

I heard a loud fake cough and turned to see that Kuroo had returned from the bathroom. Next to him, Kenma had even stopped playing his game and was looking up at us. 

I tried to move out of Bokuto's grip but was pulled back in again. 

"Koutarou...," I mumbled, looking away.

He softly laughed but eventually retracted his arm. He placed his hand on top of mine and intertwined our fingers under the table. 

I heard a loud sigh and turned back to face the males in front of us. Kuroo draped his left arm over Kenma's shoulder, who had returned to gaming.

"Kitten, don't you think you should put that away?" Kuroo said, pointing at Kenma's console.

Kenma turned away from Kuroo and continued playing. "Stop calling me that...," he mumbled, as his cheeks turned pink.

Just then a spiky haired male appeared holding two trays of food. 

"Oikawa told me Kuroo and Kenma were here, but I just had to see for myself," Iwaizumi said, placing the plates on the table.

"Better believe it Iwaizumi. It's us in the flesh!" Kuroo responded. He then slightly nudged Kenma. "Kitten say hi," he audibly whispered.

"Hi." Kenma blushed harder but still focused on his game. 

Suddenly, Kuroo snatched Kenma's console out of his hands. Kenma reached for it but couldn't retrieve it before Kuroo stuffed it in his pocket. Kenma crossed his arms and pouted, turning farther away from Kuroo.

I glanced to my left to see Bokuto just staring at the males in front of us. I let out a small giggle, amused at the sight, which caught Bokuto's attention. I quickly averted my gaze, pretending to examine the food. 

Iwaizumi shook his head. "Still the same dumbasses I see."

"Hey who are you calling dumbass?!" Kuroo exclaimed. I sighed and shook my head at the immaturity. 

"I got yer drinks!" A loud voice yelled from across the cafe.

I turned around to see an approximately 6 foot tall male, rushing over to our table. He had blonde and brunette hair that matched his hooded brown eyes. He fumbled  as he carried over a tray of various drinks but quickly caught himself. He set down each cup on the table and clutched the tray to his chest. His eyes landed on Bokuto and widened.

"BOKKUN?!" the male exclaimed.

Bokuto practically jumped out of his seat and yelled, "TSUM-TSUM!"

I sat there, extremely confused at the interaction and looked over to see Kuroo with the same puzzled expression. 

Bokuto smiled widely. "It's been a while hasn't it?!!"

"Sure has!" Atsumu responded. "We should catch up some time!"

"Of course!" Bokuto exclaimed.

Atsumu turned to Iwaizumi and grasped the tray tighter. He scratched the back of his head as Iwaizumi crossed his arms.

"What now?" Iwaizumi glared at Atsumu.

"Well, I was wondering if you could sorta kinda cover my shift for the rest of the afternoon...?" Atsumu hesitantly asked.

Iwaizumi sighed and placed his fists on his hips. "Why?"

Atusmu's eyes lit up, and a smile plastered over his face. "I'm spending the evening with Omi-kun!"

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