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⚠️TW: Blood, death, and kidnapping

*One week later*

(Bokuto's POV)

I picked up the small white hand towel and took a seat on the bench. I wiped off the beads of sweat on my forehead and nape and chugged down the cold water from my bottle. 

My eyes roamed across the room until they landed on an approximately 6 foot tall ravenette. He slipped on a pair of black boxing hand gloves and tightened the velcro on them. I watched as he stood and slightly bent his knees, positioning himself into a fighting stance. His teal eyes shone with a glimmer of pure hunger.

His clenched fist connected with the leather punching bag, which swayed back a few inches from the impact. He landed another one with his left fist, then his right fist, and back to his left fist like a pendulum swinging back and forth.

I mentally sighed at the sight. It had been about a week that 'Kaashi's mom died, and he was doing okay? He's been training for hours now. 

I kept staring at Akaashi as a small grunt escaped his mouth each time he rammed his fist into the bag. I hate seeing you like this 'Kaashi. I set my towel and bottle down and started walking in Akaashi's direction.

(Akaashi's POV)

My arms burned, and my abs ached, but I continued throwing punch after punch into the bag. The voice in my head gnawed at me, infuriating me.

C'mon harder Akaashi. You can't even hit a punching bag. 

You're so weak. That's why you couldn't save her.

I clenched my fists tighter, digging my nails into the palm of my hands. I swung hard and fast punches repetitively into the bag. 

"ARGHHHH STOP TALKING!" I screamed and slammed my bruised knuckles into the punching bag, tearing it open. I slumped down to my knees and let a waterfall of tears flow from my eyes.

"'Kaashi!" Bokuto frantically exclaimed and ran towards me. He knelt down and took my hands into his.

I glanced down but could barely make out anything let alone my hands through my blurry eyes. I heard shuffling as Bokuto stood up. 

"You're bleeding. Hang on I'll be right back." He ran out of the room and left me alone with my thoughts. 

Mom, come back. I can't do this again.

Bokuto returned to the room, and I attempted to wipe my eyes, but my knuckles stung, causing me to wince. 

"Hold on," Bokuto said as he knelt back down. I felt his hand caress my cheek as his thumb lightly brushed under my eyes, wiping my tears. He sat down into a criss cross applesauce position and motioned for me to do the same.

He gently dabbed a damp guaze pad onto my knuckles. The cold cotton stung, but then the refreshing feeling traveled through my body, helping me relax. Bokuto cleaned all of my bruised knuckles and lightly blew on them, making my skin tingle. He wrapped a bandage around my hand and discarded the bloody guaze pads.

I looked up and met Bokuto's gaze. "I-I'm sorry, Bokuto-san." I hung my head in shame and felt fresh tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay 'Kaashi." I felt Bokuto's finger under my chin as he gently lifted up my head to his eyes.

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