Chapter Twenty: Compromises

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"Why didn't you wake me up?" Prinita's voice startled me.

I was just coming out of the bathroom. I hardly slept the night before as was my routine for the last few months.

"There is still time before we are going out" I said, as I dried my hair with a towel.

Her eyes still had sleep residing in them. Her short hair was a mess. Her kohl was smudged. She stood up lazily, wrapping the smaller blanket, and stood near the balcony. It wasn't raining anymore, the view outside was worth the high price that the hotel charged for such an average room,

"Isn't it beautiful?" I stood next to her and asked.

"It is" She agreed.

"Go freshen up a bit?" I said.

"Okay" She replied.

"I will order breakfast, be out soon" I said.

She nodded and went on to grab some clothes and a towel from her bag. I dressed up in some casual clothes and called the reception to order some breakfast.

I grabbed my phone and the pack of cigarettes and went to the balcony. I sat there and breathed in the fresh morning air. It felt a bit chilly, probably because it was just 8 in the morning and it rained the night before.

I opened my email and went through it. It's not like I had much on the plate, I spent most of the years of my youth grinding in the office and when I was finally promoted to the board of directors I just had to sign some paper works and go through team planning. But I still had one work left.

I checked if the bathroom water was running, it was. I pulled the door to the balcony and then dialed the number.

"Hello" A female voice responded from the other side.

"Hello. Yes. Shritabha speaking. I wanted to know if my reports were ready?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. Miss Ahuja's, right?" She asked.

I replied the affirmative and she asked me to stay on hold.

"Sorry sir but Dr.Kanad hasn't gone through them yet" She responded after a couple of minutes.

"All right. Thank you" I said and before I could disconnect I heard Prinita's voice.

"Tell me this isn't true" She shouted from inside the room

I turned and asked back, "What?"

She held up two tickets in her hand. I got up and walked inside.

"Yes, it is true. Praneet Kapoor is playing tonight here, and I got two tickets for us" I said, "It was supposed to be a surprise"

She didn't say anything. She walked up to me and crashed against my chest and then held me like a toddler hugging their parent. I held her in my arms as such.

"How can I ever repay you?" She whispered.

"By not stopping to love me" I whispered back.

We hugged each other in silence until the doorbell rang. It was the hotel crew bringing us our breakfast. She got dressed in some casual clothes as well and we sat down for the breakfast. She scrolled through her phone even though I wanted to talk, she paid no attention. Small things like these irritated me.

"Is there something important?" I asked.

"Umhu" she replied the negative.

"Then can you put your phone down please, at least enjoy the vacation" I said as I buttered on a toast.

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