Chapter Twenty-four: Crowded

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The decorations could be seen from a block away from the café. The posters were broadcasted to all city advertisement holdings and the craze of the author gathered a lot of people. As I heard, the tickets were sold out in a matter of hours from when it was announced. Our café was thriving but was never a popular place, the regular customers were all writers or persons who liked the nostalgic feeling of an actual café and not a digitized coffee place. But I could guess that after the event we will still continue to attract some people.

As I neared the café I could see young couples clicking selfies in front of the café. There was an aura of love all around for the special occasion. I saw Sharan and Katie in a distance. Katie was gawking at Sharan as he was giving instructions to some management people outside. Everyone was dressed up in suits and dresses, the front of the café looked like a small red-carpet event with all the critics, newspaper reporters, dignitaries, and invitees.

Sharan saw me and approached me, Katie followed.

"Everything is going smooth. Around 2 hours are left for the event..." He started to explain everything

"Ah... ah... Do you have no manners Sharan? You are here with someone. You should be giving them company, also it's your day off so please let the management people handle" I cut him off

He felt embarrassed. Katie winked at me as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to get a photo clicked.

I ran my eyes through the management, everything was okay. All the people in the café were with their date except a new boy who decided to help me. I and him took a look over the cakes and other things that were ordered. Then I gathered everyone on the management team to give them a quick prep talk, which turned to be not quick and lasted for around 20 minutes as I had to explain some other things. But once it's over I went and greeted the café people, talking with their dates and clicking pictures with some.

Maggie introduced me to her girlfriend, Katie and Sharan pulled me into a photo session, Josh's girlfriend complained that he loved the café more than her and Sania introduced me to her boyfriend who was a huge football fan like I was.

An hour passed by like seconds and I noticed two cars stopping in front of the café. I knew who was inside. People inside the café rushed to meet the author. I stayed back and watched through the door as the paparazzi surrounded the author and he disappeared in between them. There were flashes and questions from the news reporters. I started counting the pastries to make sure we had enough.

The security team ushered them after a little while. They were basically hidden in between the reporters, cameraman and the fans, so instead of catching a glimpse, I focused on my work at hand. The café felt small with all the people inside it.

"Hey boss man" I heard Katie calling me from a distance.

I looked up and saw her and Sharan gesturing for me to join them. I wrapped up my work at hand and followed them to the backstage room. Even the room felt overfilled with people. I was approached by the editor in chief first who grabbed me and made way towards the author.

And that's when I saw her, after 35 years. She was standing beside the author, talking to someone else. Her hair seemed different, her face seemed different, yet her smile seemed the same. For a moment I felt the feelings inside me to be the same, but then it passed as soon as it developed. The author approached me and shook my hands, thanked me for organizing everything perfectly. She didn't saw me until then, but then the author called her, perhaps to introduce me to her.

Her eyes paused at me for a few seconds. At least I was preparing myself for a few days for this moment but she wasn't. 35 years is a long time but for two people who promised a lifetime and then went separate ways, 35 years wasn't very long. She snapped into reality and shook my hand. I forgot her touch a long time back but when her hand wrapped around mine it felt like it was right there in a hidden corner of my brain.

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