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far beyond the bounds of time,
there is a fabled land of the dead.
the only native there is a drunkard
who says 'Death is peaceful'

my visit there was short,
I asked him if he could explain.
he replied death can only be lived
through memories of the living.

I rejected his words, but
something inside intrigued me
so I put my sight on his instrument
a kaleidoscope of some sort.

I saw me dying in all sorts
and kinds of ways, in some
I took my own life and in others
I was the prey

So I kept on twisting and turning
And see my end in the broken glass shards
never to realize, in the process
I was left a dead man inside

The old drunkard laughs maniacally
because he knows the secret
deaths don't kill people, choices
and greed does.

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