Chapter 10

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 Lilly sighed with relief when she settled down in her bed roll. She had made it past the Ranger without him noticing her. She had urged Blizzard and the stolen horse into a gallop and made it half way to Redmont before it started to get dark. She got off the side of the road and made a camp with no fire to give her away to anyone that might be around, whether they were looking for her or not.

 She settled into a restful sleep without dreams.


Lilly woke up quietly and grabbed the long knife she kept under her pillow. She heard the sounds of twigs snapping and boot falls. They were too loud to be a Ranger's. Lilly knew that they had to be either a bandit's or a traveler's.

 She got out of the bed roll and waited for the person to show themselves through the tall bushes. She kept the long knife in the sheath, but took it out from under her pillow.

 A blonde figure stepped into the clearing. He swore under his breath as he tripped over Lilly's bedroll. In a flash, Lilly was behind the person, pulling him to the ground and shoving her knee into his back. She put the sheathed knife to the side of the person’s neck, to keep the person from fighting her.

 "I give up!" The person shouted, scared and now not struggling

 Lilly instantly recognized the voice. "Nial, what, in the name of the king are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

 "Lilly?" Nial asked, trying to turn his head to see his attacker.

 Lilly flipped the boy onto his back and helped him up. He stared open mouthed at Lilly. He brushed the dirt and leaves off of his pants and looked back up at her.

 "Where'd you learn to do that?" Nial asked.

 "No idea, just came up with it now. So what are you here for?" Lilly asked, sitting down on her bedroll and putting the knife back under the pillow.

 "I came to find Ranger Will, but I heard shouting a little way up the road. I came to hide until it died down." Nial replied.

 "Why were you going to him?" Lilly asked.

 "Joseph and the entire family were murdered last night. Everyone thinks the bandit problem is getting worse; but guess who was asking about you today in the tavern." Nial said.

 "The senior Ranger?" Lilly asked. "How is he?"

 "He has a lump on his head. Halt has made it his personal business to find you." Nial said.

 "You can sleep here for the night if you want to. Then you can take the horse to see Will. It's safer to go by horseback than by foot." Lilly said.

 She got up to make sure the horses were tied when she heard the sound of footsteps again. She heard a grunt and turned around to see Nial in the arms of a bandit.

 "What do we have here?" The man asked."Two lovers on their way to Whitemarsh? I don't think they'll get there." He said, a Hibernian accent heavy in his words.

 Nial was struggling for air with desperation. He was clawing on the man's arms futility.

 "Let him go." Lilly said, fighting to make her accent disappear.

 "Why? To let him breathe? I will when you give me all your valuables." He said, drawing a knife with a five inch blade.

 "Okay, but I don’t have any valuables." Lilly said, trying to act dumb.

 The bandit swung the hilt of the knife across Nial’s face, opening a large gash. Lilly flinched as she watched her friend get injured. “You like that? Tell me you have nothing again and he’ll get it even worse!” The man shouted.

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