Chapter 20

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Halt breathed in the fresh air with satisfaction. It had quickly gone stale on the boat, smelling of horse, body odor, greasy food, and vomit. He looked around, taking in the surroundings of the tired port that marked the end of one journey and the beginning of a more difficult one.

"Smells like fish." Horace muttered as he walked up the gangplank.

"Well it is a port, Horace." Will said, guiding Tug by the reins. "If you didn't smell fish, I'd be worried."

"Oh, ha ha, funny boy." Horace said. He took a breath, appreciating the fresh, but fishy air. "I'll go find some people to help us." He walked off towards the ramshackle group of buildings.

"Halt, do you think that the people here will be with Queen Josephine?" Will asked, stopping next to his mentor.

"Honestly, I don't know." Halt answered, looking over the quiet port. "But I think that they will help us. King Sean did so much for his kingdom that I doubt that they will like this deposer."

"Hey!" someone shouted walking towards them. Horace was walking next to the man.

"Halt, this is Fergus, the dock manager here." Horace said. "I told him why we were here and immediately volunteered to help."

"Nice ta meet ya." Fergus said, nodding to both the Rangers. "We have rooms for ya, and people willing to help if you know where to look." he said with a wink.

"So, Josephine has not made many friends in her own country?" Will rubbing Tug's face.

"Yeah, I tell ye. She immediately dismissed Sean's entire garrison and stopped port trade. There are able men scattered throughout the countryside, and if they get word of this, they'd be willing."

"Thank you." Halt said. "Do you know when the King's execution is to be held?"

"Yeah, it be in two weeks. Princess Lilly is already at Dun Kilty, but they have to move Kind Sean in from the prison." Fergus said. "And that'll take a couple of days."

Will turned to Halt, "That throws a kink into our plan. We'll have to get him first, take the castle second."

"I know." Halt said. "And if it's the prison that I think it is, it'll be difficult to get him out." He turned to Fergus. "Its Stonewall, right?"

"Yes, how did ye know?" Fergus asked. "That prison's gone unused for the past decade or so."

"I used to know someone who knew it." Halt said vaguely. He turned to look at the sun and then said somewhat offhandedly. "Why don't we take this inside and discuss our plan."

"Ya, sure." Fergus said, he turned on his heel. "The stables be that way." He gestured to his left as he walked toward the tavern.

"I'll get the rest of the horses," Will said into Halt's ear, walking towards the wooden building.

Halt nodded, showing that he understood, and continued to follow Fergus. He could hear the clank of metal, the creaking of wood , and the shuffle of feet in the dirt behind him, knowing that their party of ten young warriors were disembarking slowly.

In front of him, Fergus opened the tavern door and walked inside. Halt blinked the bright sunlight out of his eyes as he entered the dimly lit building. After his vision cleared, he could see just how sorry the state of affairs were in his home country. The tavern, the center of life in these communities, was empty, dust coating everything in it.

"So all the rooms are vacant, so ya can go up and choose the ones ya want." Fergus said. "I'll be in the kitchen, starting something fer dinner."

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