Chapter 12

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 "What exactly happened?" Will asked, rubbing his eyes.

 "No one knows for sure. All I know is that the guards called for a medic and I caught the girl as she fell off of her horse. She was stabbed deeply in the thigh and infection had set in. She'll survive, but Crowley's another matter. The gash on his forehead is very wide and he lost a lot of blood." Horace explained.

 "How is Ev-, I mean Cassandra doing?" Will asked.

 "She's fine. The baby's going to come in the next month or so. I can't wait, I'll be a father, and you an uncle." Horace said, glad to change the topic.

 "Have you chosen a name for the baby?" Will asked politely.

 "If it's a girl, Madelyn and if it's a boy, Jonathan" Horace replied. "Evanlyn and Alyss picked them out."

 "Those are nice names. The baby will be a famous leader one day." Will remarked.

 "Ranger Will." A boy said, running into the room.

 "Yes, Robert?" Horace asked the young message runner.

 "The other Ranger, Crowley, has woken up. He wants to see you, but the doctors think that he will not be awake long." Robert said quickly.

 Will took one look at Horace and raced out of the room and down to the infirmary. He swerved around maids carrying stacks of sheets and other goods for the castle. He said a quick hello to the guards standing outside the throne room and kept going.

 "Crowley." Will huffed.

 "Will, my boy. Strong as ever I see." Crowley slurred. Will could tell he was awake, but delirious.

 "I was told that you wanted to see me." Will said, now suddenly very refined.

 "Ah, yes. Where is the girl I saved from the Genovisans? I hope she's alright. I don't think I got all of them." Crowley said, waving a finger in the air.

 "She's right here, Crowley." Will gestured to the unconscious girl in the next bed.

 "That's good." Crowley sighed, sinking further into his pillow. "Will, make sure she gets home."

 "What?" Will asked.

 "Home, to her father. She's been away for a very long time." Crowley sighed, he closed his eyes.

 "Crowley." Will said.

 "What?" The Ranger woke up with a flash. "Where am I?"

 "Crowley, you're in the infirmary. Do you remember anything?" Will asked, very concerned.

 "Yes. I saw a girl that looks like the murderer from Hibernia, but she was being threatened by a group of armed men. One of them went to hurt her, so I shot him with an arrow. The others attacked me and I defended myself, only I remember being pulled to the ground after I ran to her. Then there was darkness and pain, then me waking up here." Crowley explained.

 "You were hurt by the very girl who you saved?" Will asked, astounded.

 "I think so." Crowley said nodding. He grimaced in pain and a nurse came over with a cool cloth.

 "Come on, Will. Let's go." Horace said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Halt. Baron Arald would like to see you." Pauline said, sticking her head through the door way into his private study.

 "I know what it is about. Please give him my sincerest apologies, but I need to go to castle Araluen. King Duncan needs to see me." Halt said, throwing on his cloak.

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