Chapter 17

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Will walled out of the tavern, fully awake despite it being hours before dawn. Most of the harbor town of Selsey was still in the grips of sleep. He hoped that Halt found the Hibernian party, and if not, he did soon. The many seafarers and merchants in the harbor were getting more and more annoyed, unable to make a profit because they were not allowed to move their products.

A shadow passed quickly in front of him, making Will wonder if it were actually there. He followed the silhouette, able to hear the soft padding of feet on stone. They went down to the warf and wasn't surprised to see a small group of men readying a small ship in the darkness. The shadow he had followed walked to the group of men. Will tailed the man, near enough to hear the whispered conversation.

"Okay, we're good to go," his man whispered. "We'll be picking up more cargo on our way."

Will was ready to open his mouth and arrest the men for treason, but stopped to hear the rest of the conversation.

"This wasn't part of the plan at all," a man complained. "He was supposed to be here days ago, and this shouldn't have gone on this long. If we would've gotten her when-" There was a rustle and a thump. Will guessed the complainer was shut up with an elbow to the gut.

"Shut up." another said. "We'll do whatever we have to inorder to keep the Araluens our of Hibernia. You remember what they did last time. They'll come and destroy our little successful coup."

Will heard someone walk onto the boat, water slapping against it's moving hull. "Besides the Queen won't like it if we leave her husband here." The other men filed onto the boat, Will counting nine, maybe ten sets of footsteps. Will knew that he had to follow them, but there was no time to do that. He slipped onto the boat, the sound of him on the creaking gangplank masked by the sound of the water.

"Everyone stay quiet. This is the most pivotal part of our plan."

Lilly grunted against Gregory again, but he didn't budge. He had tied her hands together and stuffed a wad of fabric in her mouth. She was sore from the frantic escape on horse back, since she had been roughly held in the saddle for what seemed like forever.

"Shut up and don't move," Gregory rumbled. They were still in the saddle, waiting in the tree line, but for what, Lilly could only guess. She slumped against Gregory, struggling against her bonds tiring her out. He was the only thing keeping her upright, and she was still sore from her beating.

Once she quieted down, she could make out the faint sound of water on a beach and her heart sped up. She realized that they were waiting for a boat to come and take them back to Hibernia. After a moment of silence, Lilly could hear the lapping of water against a wooden hull. Her heart sank to her toes. She was going back to Hibernia, despite what the Araluens have done, knowingly or not.

Gregory kicked the horse forward, the hooves crunching on sand. The horse slowed to a stop as it approached the water. The boat was in deeper water, far enough out so it didn't get caught on a sand bar or reef. Gregory slid out of the saddle and pulled Lilly down with him. He prodded her forward into the water, putting his hand threateningly on the knife in his belt

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