Chapter 24

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Will felt exposed without his cloak hiding him from public view. He tried to remind himself that here, nobody knew who he was, nobody was looking out for an Araluen Ranger, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen.

He looked through the throng of people, all dressed in commoners clothing, recognizing a few faces. Then he found who he was looking for. Halt's salt-and-pepper hair and beard were all too familiar, along with the graying ginger hair of Crowley next to him. They were deep in discussion, when they noticed that they were being watched.

Halt and Crowley lifted their heads ever so slightly, caught Will's eye and nodded. Will nodded in acknowledgement, then let the crowd swallow him as he made his way back to where Horace was waiting.

"Are they ready?" Horace asked, looking up as Will approached him.

"Yes, and I saw some familiar faces in the crowd, so we're not alone at this." Will said.

They stood together, a strange silence falling between them. The severity of the situation was unnerving; thinking of the possibility of failure was alarming.

"Do you think that Lilly is okay?" A familiar blonde boy approached them, dressed in the common farmer's clothing carrying a bag on his back.

Will briefly felt exposed again and looked around to see if there was anyone suspicious lurking about. Then he turned to Nial, trying not to be angry with the stupidity of his words.

"You can't say that here," Will hissed, "Anyone could be listening to us, and most of the people here are here to see her execution." He sighed and rubbed his face. "You have to ignore your feelings for her until she is safe. Right now, she's just a princess that you are trying to rescue. Not the girl you like."

Nial looked sullen, but he didn't say anything, recognizing his mistake. "I understand." he said.

They stood in silence again, then a loud clamor started up from the direction of the castle square; where they had set up the stage for the execution.

"What's that?" Horace asked, standing up to his full height and craning his neck to get a better view over the crowd of people who were gathering at an alarming rate.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it cannot be good." Will said. He stepped forward, "come on, and try to stay together."

Lilly stood silently and reserved careful not to make any sudden movements. Her hands were shackled together, the long sleeves of the dress almost covering them. She was flanked by two guards, each carrying a spear. She knew that they were just for show, but the real problem would be the armed guards in the Queen's escort, which was leading hers through the castle.

She didn't know where she was going or why, but she knew that it couldn't be for a good reason. She could hear the muffled shouting of a large crowd coming from up ahead and her heart sank. The Queen was going to parade her prized animal to the population before taking it to slaughter.

"I see that you understand why I brought you along, Lilly," Queen Josephine laughed. The woman walked up to her with a crazed smile on her face, and a fractured look in her eyes. "To parade my prizes to my people. To show them just how strong I am."

Movement from behind the Queen drew Lilly's attention away from her. Her sinking feeling turned to ice when she recognized what the giant of a man was. A enormous broad sword hung at his side, and a massive battle axe on the other. He would be her executioner.

"Wait did you say prizes?" Lilly croaked, her mind finally snapping back to reality.

"Why, yes, of course. We've had your father the entire time." Queen Josephine giggled. She strode forward towards the doors, "He's only just arrived."

Two guards scurried forward to open the doors for Queen Josephine before she got to them. The sunshine blinded Lilly for a moment, and she was prodded forward. The raucous sound of the crowd was deafening. Just the overwhelming feeling of the crowd was enough to freeze Lilly in her tracks.

In her frozen state, she was able to assess what she was seeing. She was at the base of stairs that led up to a tall stage, which she assumed would be for her and her father's execution. The crowd circled their party, cheering and jeering, pushing against the guards that forced them to back up. Queen Josephine stepped up the stairs and Lilly was prodded behind her.

"You see how many people who have come out to see the death of their beloved King and Princess?" Queen Josephine whispered in her ear.

"I see only people who are goaded on by alcohol and the guards mixed in with the crowd." Lilly smiled back. "Looks like a quarter of your garrison is hidden in there."

The smile dropped from the Queen's face as she realized that Lilly wasn't fazed. Anger followed in the absence of control and poise, but she quickly grabbed the reins on herself and calmed down.

Queen Josephine was laughing again, and she raised her hands for silence. The crowd died down, waiting to hear what she had to say. "My loyal subjects, I would like to show you the fruits of my endeavors, the prizes of my hard work of trying to reconstruct the throne of Clonmel." The crowd roared back with anticipation.

With a wave of the Queen's hand, guards stepped forward towards a cart that the crowd had filled in around. They unlocked the cart and pulled out a disheveled figure. He stumbled around, blinded and deafened like Lilly had been, until the guards herded him towards the stage.

"Take a look at your King," Queen Josephine shouted. "Look at him in his state of humiliation."

The crowd laughed in return with the Queen's words, but Lilly could hear a difference; a small portion of the crowd would start, the rest of them joining in just so they wouldn't feel out of place. She looked around the crowd, and her eyes fell on an all too recognizable blonde head, following a short uncloaked ranger and an unarmored knight. She continued scanning the crowd, her eyes falling on a pair of old men sitting at a table, enjoying their drinks more than the display. One of them looked up and made eye contact with her and slightly nodded. It was Halt.

Suddenly Lilly felt at ease in the raging sea of people. Her father was prodded to a stop next to her, and she felt a wave of hatred rise inside of her. He was dirty, bruised, and hungry. His hair hung long, streaked with dirt, hiding his pale and sallow face.

"Lilly?" he whispered, looking at her with his all too familiar warm eyes.

"Dad," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't help herself, she threw her shackled hands over his head and gave him a hug. He wrapped his hands around her and hugged her back. "The Ranger's are here." He whispered in her ear.

"I know," she replied. They pulled away from each other, now both of them smiling.

"Look at that," Queen Josephine said, jeering at them. "A little love between father and daughter."

"It's more love than you'll ever feel in your relationship with Gregory, isn't it Josephine?" Lilly said, calmly with a straight face. She caught Halt's eye again, and nodded to him. He quickly got up from the table, Crowley following him.

Queen Josephine was quickly in her face, her calm demeanor cracking to the rage that was boiling inside of her. "What did you say, you incompetent little swine?" she snarled.

"You heard me," Lilly said, meeting her eyes with a hard stare. "Our love for each other is better than yours for your lover, Gregory McKennel, captain of the guard." Her voice reached every ear in the quiet crowd.

"Why you little bitch!" Josephine shouted, losing her cool. She raised a hand, but Lilly was faster. She swung her head forward and bashed her forehead against Josephine's nose.

The woman stumbled back, clutching at her face, blood trickling down her wrist. "Well I think we can make an exception for you, Princess," Josephine spat. "Why don't we make your head roll early."

Josephine smiled wolfishly as two guards, grabbed Lilly by her hair and pulled her to a large stone block and forced her to her knees.

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