Chapter 19

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Will kissed Alyss's forehead and walked out of the room. Horace hugged him, both happy that there were no complications to Adrian's birth.

"Congratulations." Halt said, smiling. Then his smile dropped, "But now we have work to do."

Will nodded and followed Halt into Baron Arald's study. The women were asleep, exhausted from the night. Crowley, Baron Arald, King Duncan, and Nial were crowded into the room, gathered around the desk. As they took a seat, Crowley started to brief them on the information that they already knew.

"So now we know that Lilly McMatthew is really Lilly O'Carrick, Princess of Hibernia." Crowley said, "From Nial we have learned that King Sean has been deposed by his wife and that Lilly is wanted by the Queen."

"What I would like to know is why she didn't immediately come to us for help." King Duncan said, sitting back in his chair. "We're on relatively good terms with the Hibernians considering how we helped them with their cult problems."

"I've been considering that too, and the only reason that I've been able to come up with is simple. She didn't trust us not to turn her over to the Hibernians." Halt said. "If you think about it for a second, it makes sense."

"Yes," Will said. "Considering our good relations with the Hibernians, we would have turned her over immediately, no questions asked. And being from the Royal family, Lilly would have known that."

"Anyway to continue, Lilly was then captured by the Hibernians, who then escaped on a ship back to their Homeland." Crowley finished. "And in light of recent events, it is probable to say that she will be executed shortly after they land."

Everyone was quiet as the reality of the situation sunk in. A Princess of an ally country was going to be executed by deposers, and they almost didn't realize it.

"So, what is our plan of action?" Baron Arald asked. "I can assemble a force of soldiers and ships and leave within the next two days. I know it's not in the desired time, but it would work."

"Well, if you think about it, King Sean had numerous allies and friends in the court and in his garrison." Horace interjected. "By deposing Sean, those allies and friends would probably leave the castle and hide out in the countryside to escape persecution." He paused. "We don't need to assemble a full force, or even half. I'm willing to bet that we will find willing men in the countryside."

Halt looked at his king, thinking about Horace's strategy. "He's right. King Sean was well liked among his subjects compared to King Ferris. There will be willing and able men, warriors or not."

King Duncan considered this for a moment, resting his chin on his hands. After a moment of silence, he made up his mind. "We'll assemble a quarter of a regular force, that way we can compensate if we just happen to not be able to find men."

Baron Arald nodded and stood up. "I'll wake Sir Rodney and get on that right away. They should be ready by dawn." He walked out of the room quickly.

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