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Everyone is waiting where Lisa is undergoing an operation. I walked back and forth and Jennie still crying.

Jennie: *sobbing* it's my fault. They hate me. Lisa, did nothing wrong. Why??? * Crying*

And I walk to her and comforted her.

Rosé: Unnie, Lisa just protected you. She will be fine, please be calm.

And suga decided to sit beside jennie and hug her.

Suga: everything will be fine, don't worry.
Jennie: *sobbing*

And then taehyung came full of anger on her face, she grabbed my wrist and try to drag me away from them....

Jungkook: hyung what are you doing?
Taehyung: I will talk to her. Don't worry.
Rosé: please just let my hand go I will follow you.

The way she holds my wrist is much painful. We reached to the basement a parking lot of a VIP cars.

Taehyung: I think you know why I drag you here.
Rosé: I'm sorry it's my fault. I did things that harm them.
Taehyung: Thanks God, you admit you it.

I was confused, he's mad at me.

Taehyung: I wish you never came back. You just brought harm to us.

I was shocked....

Taehyung: don't be too proud of yourself rosé. You're not part of my company anymore, so starting from today, you are not allowed to enter my building anymore.
Rosé: I get it, don't worry. Just this time, let me be with Lisa. I want to see her fine and smiling again. Don't worry that would be my last appearance to all of you.
Taehyung: Good. Know your place. I wish I didn't loved you, you're the one who ruin my life from the start, remember. Get lost, Rosé.

He changed after the conversation we had last week.

Rosé: I will don't worry, Taehyung. I know my place in the first place. (Smile) and I never said that you must loved me. Don't be so over confident. Remember, I am the one who leave you, that means YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT TO ME nor LOVE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. i just did those flirty moments just because I want to debut as an Idol but I think I got the wrong ways so I just stopped and decided to leave.

I want to trigger him. As if he already hate me from the day we talked at the hotel.

Taehyung: Thank you for saying the truth rosé. I am also so blessed that you leave me. You're a fucking slut the way you said it. Best wishes to your wedding by the way. I hope your fiancee don't mind that you're not already a pure virgin woman. Ohh, by the way You're not good in bed those times we fucked each other four years ago. You must practice your lust with me again. What do you think? I am bored these days I want a toy to play with.

And then I slapped him hard....

Rosé: *smirked* get lost.
Taehyung: Okay. Bye.

And then he walked away with me. I squeeze my heart because of the pain I felt while she's humiliating me as a woman. He already change, I can't already see the Taehyung who cried for me last week. Is this the karma, of rejecting her away from me. The person I love no longer the person I know before. I cry silently.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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