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Rosè Pov.
whats happening?!! Why I can't even recognize myself.

Maid:Mam we are almost done so you must go the party.
Rosè:what's going on? Why all of this stuffs on mind? Making mw insane. Do I really have a fiancee? Hah?????
Maid:I am sorry mam but your father will explain all of your questions.
Rosè:They must be crazy.

I run as fast as I could. I want to escape and Hide all of them. After I reach the park n'lot I saw some bike and i ride it until I reach the road that no one is there.

Rosè:I must hide them. I must. They are crazy treating me like a toy. What the f*ck is they doing to me?!!.

Arghhh!!!! I think this time they are already finding ways to find me. But sorry to tell them I don't want to be a wife. I am too young to be in that stage I'm just 22. After a couple of minutes my phone rings I knew it someone is calling me right now. And thats my father. And I answered.

Father:Where are you now chae?
Me:what do you think I am doing dad? You want me to come because you want me to know who my fiancee is? What the f*ck are you doing to me dad?  Your treating me like a toy. And What the hell do you think that I will agree of whats happening there right now? Is that what you all want me to do dad?
Father:You must know the reason if you get here. you comeback here or else...
Me:or else what? Do what you want to do but You can't force me.

And after the conversation with dad I turned off my phone so that everyone can't reach me. I sigh. And I shouted.

𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 •Taerosé Film [Author: GummyPasta]Where stories live. Discover now