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Taehyung Pov.
After our meeting I am now going to a coffee shop. Actually a coffee shop that is owned of jimin. But unintentionally  I saw rosè leaving the shop. And I stare at her for more than 30 secs.

Taehyung:what are you doing here?

and then she walked beside me continue to walk far away from me. I want to follow her and apologize but I think I have my pride. And someone call its my dad. The CEO of our agency.

Taehyung:wae dad?
Dad:We have to talk  where are you?
Taehyung:I am here in jimin's coffee shop..
Dad:Just comeback here. Its important.

And then I get in in my car. A red Honda car. Heading back to T-Entertainment. And now after 10mins. I am here.

Taehyung:wae ?
Dad:Its a good news tae the daughter of the Park family already say yes for the engagement party.

Good news for him but bad news for me. What the?!!! She run that night and now she wants the marriage again? Aishh what  crazy girl. I have so many problem today and there's rosè always upsetting me that always make my day unconcious.

Taehyung:And when ?
Dad:Next week tae.
Taehyung:Aishh ok. I must go I want something else to do.
Dad:Why do you have any Meetings today?
Taehyung:No. So Bye dad.

And then I leaved the office. Making myself relax. And Jin hyung approach me.

Jin:Ya taehyung

And then he run towards me.

Taehyung:Wae hyung?
Jin:Where are you going?
Taehyung:I just want to relax. Wae?
Jin:Last night sangjangnim told rosè to go to your house and what happened? She's absent today did you do something to her?
Taehyung:N--no nothing.

I lied. Actually I did.

Taehyung:Why ?
jin:We have some songs that rosè voice is compatible to sing.
Taehyung:just give it to the other trainee hyung. I think she's busy making stuffs outside.

And then I walked. Feeling angry. And hyung follow me with curiousity.

Jin:Did the two of you argue? Yaahhh taehyung!!!!! Am I right? What did you do to her?
Taehyung:I said nothing hyung. Just ask jimin.

And he stop following me. Jin hyung is smart so he can easily gets whats happening around.

Jin Pov.
I stop following Taehyung when he yelled at me. I smell something fishy this time. So I went back to the boys.

Jungkook:yahh hyung where have you been?
Rap monster:Did you find rosé?
jin:She's not here RapMon. I think something happen last night.
Suga:You are right.
Jhope:Did you ask Taehyung of what happened?
Jin:Yes I did. And he just yelled at me. Suga:that arrogant guy. Did you contact rosè Jhope?
Jhope:Yes but her phone is off.
Jin:But tae said I must ask jimin.
Suga:and wae?

And luckily Jimin are here.

Suga:and why are you late jimin?
Jimin:I just visit my coffee shop. Wae?
Suga:Did you see rosè ?
Jimin:ah ne. Wae?
Jin:Did Taehyung and rosè argue?
Jimin:I don't even know that.
Jin:And why is she not here?
Jimin:Her mim wants to meet her today.

And after that I sighed.

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