the TEXT

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Rosè Pov.
I am on my way now going back to the dorm. It seems that everyone is not yet at home. What are they doing now? Aishh !!! When I get inside I just turn On the light and Rushed into the kitchen because I'm so hungry. I opened the fridge. The upper cabinet but bad news. Nothing to eat. 😩 and I am so hungry. When my phone ring. I answer it quickly.

Lisa:Yahh Rosè where ard you now?
Rosè:obviously I am here alone in our dorm starving for some foods to eat.
Lisa:Jennie unnie said there's nothing to eat in our dorm so you must go to some restaurant.
Rosè:I guess I will.
Lisa:I'll be hanging up. But If you have some time. Come here we are so busy preparing for the showdown.
Lisa:Okay will tell you when we get there. Bye. Take care.

And then hang up. Showdown? Aisahh I want to join but I guess I can't.

Rosè:Aishh jungmal?!!

After I reached the street I saw some couples that are so sweet.

Rosè:Aishh people nowadays. They love going out at night than morning. Aishh..

And then I smirked and put my hands inside my pocket at my jocket because its getting cold. I wear all black today. I continue walking until I reached the Restaurant. Its already 7:35 PM after I ate I packed some foods for the three girls. And I leave the restau. and Unexpected happen it rained. Aisshh I didn't bring umbrella so I'm Stuck here at the bus station.

Rosè:Its going to be so cold. Aishh.

I've been stuck here for almost 15 minutes. And I feel so cold this time. My ears are getting red. And someone called.

Lisa:Chae where are already home where are you?
Rosè:Aishh I'm stuck because of the rain I am here in a bus station.
Lisa:Really?? Omo uts raining so hard.

And I heard Lisa calling unnies.

"Yahh unnie Chaeyoung-a is stuck because of the heavy rain? Eotteoki? Its going to be cold.
Jisoo:Where is she now?
Lisa:She's at the bus station.

After I listened the bus arrived.

Rosè:Yahh lisa the bus is here I call you later.
Lisa:Okay careful. Take care.

Aishh I'm feeling cold now. After I dropped I ran towards the street on our way to our dorm. After I reached the area I am totally wet that I felt so cold. So I get inside.

Jennie:Yahh you better change your clothes. Palii.

And I went to my room. Aigoo. I freshin' up. And someone just texted me.

Unknown:Can we talk I just want to apologize.

Its unknown number so I didn't reply I just ignore it. Its my habbit one's I don't know the number I will not entertain it. But It beep again.

Unknown:Yahh please reply. I need to know if you want.

Unknown:Rosè--shii don't ignore my text please.

So I replied. While I just sit my couch beside my bed.

Rosè:Sorry for ignoring your text its because I don't know you. Who are you by the way?

Just 2 secs. He already replied.

Taehyung:Its taehyung sunbaenim.

My eyes widened that I fall down at my couch and my back hurts.

Rosè:Ouchh !!! Aigoo.

Omo!! How did he know my number? Goshh. So again I replied with a smirk.

Rosè: Ah. Sunbae how did you get my number?
Taehyung:Jisoo noona give it.

Jisoo unnie!!!

Rosé:ah. Okay. Where do you want to meet me?
Taehyung:At my house.

And there he go again.


I turned off the phone and go out from my room.

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