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Rosè Pov.
I am here in my dorm. Just lying here in my room. Thinking of what happed last night.

jisoo:Hey jisoo lets go.
Rosè:Sorry Unnie I have some important matters to do today. So I can't go with the three of you.
Jisoo:ok. But text us if you're done.

And then they already gone. I feel sorry to them that I can't even tell them what My problem is. That I already quit.


I feel empty no one is here. So I changed clothes. Making myself presentable and I have to enjoy my 1week being in a single life because after this I must face the consequence. I am heading now in a coffee shop. And now I am coming in.

Rosè:annyeonghaesaeyo. i want some vanilla milk coffee.

And then I sit one of the table that is empty. And now side seeing the beauty of the place. I am so dumb.

Waitress:here's your vanilla milk maam.
Rosè:Thank you.

Why I am so lonely. I don't have even the courage to walk farther. The words that he just told me. The way he yelled at me. Why does it keeps on repeating on my mind. When something tapped my shoulder.

Jimin:Yah rosè---shii what are you doing here alone? Are you waiting for someone ?
Rosè:Ah oppa. No I'm just making myself in a solemn way. And why are you here?
Jimin:Actually I own this  coffee shop. And I am just checking my business and then I saw you.
Rosè:woah your so cool. So can I have a discount of what I bought.
Jimin:Yahh 😂 no way you must pay it.
Rosè:I am just kidding oppa.
Jimin:But seriously why are you here? When it seems you must be in a studio.
Rosè:Ah. I just want to relax. I'm having a hard time this past few days. So I must have to give myself some fun. 😊 but don't worry I already tell the boss that I am absent today.

And then he smirked.

Taehyung Pov.
We are here in a studio. The CEO and the composers except for jimin he is not here. Where the hell is that guy.

CEO:Girls This is your 1 month being our trainee and I want all of you to get yourselves ready because we are preparing for some Performancea that everyone of you should perform. Its a contest where the 4 girls left will be the lucky group to be debut soon.

And everyone is so excited. "Daebakk" other girls say.. but when my eyes landed to the blackpink group someone is not there. She is seriously doing what I told her lastnight.

Taehyung:Yahh Lisa where's rosè?
Lisa:I think she have someone to meet up today sunbaenim.

Aishh Meet up? And who is that bullsh't guy. Is it Jimin? That's why Jimin is not here? I must ask Jungkook.

Taehyung:Jungkook where is jimin?
Jungkook:She went to his coffee shop for some important matters. Why hyung?
Taehyung:Nothing I'm just asking.

I sighed. I feel I am missing her? Why I have to feel this way.

𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 •Taerosé Film [Author: GummyPasta]Where stories live. Discover now