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Gosh Sorry for the super duper late update everyone its just that I reset my phone and my wattpad app is uninstall. So I am happy now that I am back. Gosh how many weeks did I miss? Its almost month but don't worry I am now checking my next chapters.


I got discharge and we already here in our dorm with everyone. They are so concern except for a one person. He never unnoticed me. Aishh.

Rosè:Thank you for all your concerns. I appreciated it.

And I smile slightly.

Jhope:You must be ok because tomorrow is your rehearsal for the final round.
Rap.Mon.:Yah jhope is right. It must be taugh if your body is weak.
Suga:All of you must take a rest.
Lisa:Thank you oppas.
Jungkook:Lisa-ya can I see your room?

And then jungkook got mad. Aishh so childish.

JIMIN:You must take rest now. I know you feel dizzy this time. We will stay here until tomorrow.
Jimin:We must take a look to them.
Taehyung:Ok you stay here I'll go home.

And then he got mad walking out. That ashole even asking me"Are you okay?" I never heard it from him. Numb heart?

Rosè:Thank you jimin.
Jennie:I'll prepare some foods to eat tonight.
Jisoo:I'll help.
Jin:Me too.
Suga:Also me.

And then they went to buy some ingredients. And they left us here with Jimin,Jungkook,Jhope,Rap monster and Lisa. Taehyung already left us earlier.

Jungkook:Yahh I am so bored.

And my phone beep. And I received 1 message from him?

You sleep early chae. Pls stop talking with jimin. Lets meet up tomorrow. Don't sleep late ok. Listen to your fiancee. I left because I have some important things to do. Don't be mad at me. I don't want my future wife mad at me. ♡

I smile. He is concern though😊. I get blushed. And I replied.

To Taehyung:
Yes my future husband. ♡ don't worry too much I am ok already. Thanks for your concern. Take Care always.

To rosè:
don't drink alcohol😠.

To taehyung:
Ne oppa.

To rosè:
Very good. What are you doing now?

To taehyung:
I am sitting in a couch in our dining room with jimin,jungkook,jhope,Rap monster, and Lisa.

To rosè:
Where are the hyungs and noonas?

To taehyung:
They buy some foods to eat.

To rosè:
Ok. Take care always. Sleep well.

To taehyung:
Same to you oppa.

To rosè:

To taehyung:

And then we end up our text.

)Lisa:Taehyung oppa is very concern when rosè got unconscious but earlier he don't even checked if your okay chae.
Jungkook:I also notice that.
Rap.Mon:You must get used to it. Thats the taehyung we know.
Jimin:Its just that Irene noona is involve her so his not checking what happened.
Rap.Mon.:Yahh jimin-a.

And I sigh. Jimin is right Irene unnie is involved. She locked me.

Rosè:you must stop gossiping guys.
Jhope:Sorry for the words rosè.
Rosè:Its okay.

And then the elders already arrived.

Jisoo:Guys were here.
Lisa:yahh obviously your here unnie.

And then everyone laughed.

Jennie:We must cook it lets go to the kitchen.

And then they cooked for us. A smell from the kitchen is scattered everywhere. I feel hungry.

𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 •Taerosé Film [Author: GummyPasta]Where stories live. Discover now