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Rosè Pov.
I just can't believe I already give my virginity to a person who is not sure if he really loves me.

Jisoo:Aishh I guess I have a headache.
Lisa:Me too unnie. Aishh

Holding their heads.

Jennie:Aishh you better not drink next time. Guys I have to tell you something.
Rosè:What is it unnie?
Jennie:I and suga are officially dating.
Jisoo:Aishh your easy to get jennie.
Jennie:Its because I love him so I don't want it to take long.

I felt jealous to jennie unnie. I hope it happened to me.

Jisoo:Yah rosè-shii Are you truely dating jimin?
Rosè:Actually not.
Lisa:I knew it. From the start you don't like him. And it goes like that? Aish I know you Rosè.
Jisoo:Thats good to hear. Because I saw him kissing Seulgi at the balcony.

And it just pop up to my mind what Just happened last night. I already did it. Aish.

Jisoo:We must hurry.

And then we are on our way to the agency. I just saw taehyung With Irene. Thinking of what happened last night I think its just lust not love.

Lisa:Lets go chae.

And then we hurry ourselves to dance practice room for the practice for our new song to be debut soon and of course jhope oppa will be our cheographer.

Jhope:Good day girls.
All:Same to you oppa.
Jhope:As you know starting from now sangjangnim will be strictly observing your practice and especially your diet is a must.
Jhope:ok can we start.
Jhope:But I have here my helper. Ok jungkook,Jimin,Taehyung you can get in.

Taehyung-a? And then they enter the room. But then he never look at me with the eyes. 20 minutes of practice repeating all the steps just to have a perfect steps. Aishh My body pains. Sweating to much. Leaning my back to the wall.

Rosè:Gosh My Body wants to rest.
Lisa:We are not done yet.

As expected our main dancer never get tired of dancing.

Jisoo:Aishh I want to eat alot.
Jhope:Diet is a must darling. So you can get your body shape.

jhope,Jungkook offered lisa,Jisoo and jennie a towel to wipe their sweats. And unfortunately I didn't receive towel. Taehyung never noticed me. Aish.

Rosè:I'll just get my towel.

And then I opened the door and leave. Aish even jimin oppa never gave some towel. Aishh unlucky day for me. But then I bumped to someone who is tall.


And the  look to his face. Chanyeol oppa?

Chanyeol:Its ok. You look tired wait I have my towel here.

And then he gave me here towel.

Rosè:ah thank you oppa. You know I am your fan oppa.
Rosè:Yes oppa. Your raplines and even your guitar styles I like it.
Chanyeol:Are you a trainee here?
Rose:Actually a new girl group who will debut soon.
Chanyeol:Ow congrats.
Rosè:Ow I have to go We have our practice. See you again oppa.

I went back to the studio and then we started again the practice as usual Taehyung Never noticed me this day. Aish I don't care anymore. I just give him what he want to me lastnight so theres no reason to noticed me this day. What a pervert guy. And then after the practice we went to the coffee shop. But for our safe we wear masl to cover our face. But then when we enter the shop I saw taehyung-a with Irene sitting and they are so sweet. What a playboy. I want to run but then I don't want to show to them that I am affected even if its true. So I removed my mask. And then we sit  next to them.

Jennie:This day is so tiring. I didn't even meet suga today because we are both busy.
Rosè:Oh I meet chanyeol oppa earlier. Wah his so handsome.
Jisoo:Ah I just wanna tell. Why do jimin oppa is so cold today?

And then they stare at me.

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