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Taehyung Pov.
I am sick and no one knows about it except Irene. And as always she's not taking care of me. I am taking my rest today. But I want someone to take care of me. So I texted dad earlier that i want some nurse to come but its been 30 mins. No one came. So I called but the doorbell rang. and I force myself to stand just to open the door. And...

Rosè:Ne sunbaenim its me. Your dad tell me to go here to take care of you.
Taehyung:Ah. Did you volunter?
Rosè:No. I am nurse really. But for now I am trainee and for tonight I am again a nurse.

And I laughed.

Taehyung:Thank you for coming. Lets go to my bedroom.

And then we are here in his bedroom it is so big. wow He seems so rich that he can afford this mansion.

Rosè:Taehyung sunbaenim yoh must change your clothes before the treatment start.
Rosè:I'll wait here.

And then he changed his clothes but unfortunately his taking off his clothes in front of me. And my eyes widened.


And he stop.

Rosè:What are you doing?
Taehyung:I am taking off my clothes.
Rosè:So I must go outside.

He laughed.Goshh I am blushingg It feel so hot here.

Taehyung:And why you have to go out?
Rosè:Ne? A.a.ahh I must. Because....

And I am pointing him out. And its making me nervous. And I walked towards the door. But he stop me and our face was so close that in just one move we can possibly kiss each other. And he grabbed my waist.


When the doorbell rang and someone came in. Its Irene. So taehyung walked towards to her.

Taehyung:Irene?! What are you doing here?
Irene:Your sick so I must take care of you.

And She saw me in front of the  door's bedroom.

Irene:What is she doing here?
Taehyung:She's the one taking care of me now.

I feel small this time. I sigh.

Rosè:Annyeong Irene sunbaenim. I guess taehyung sunbaenim don't need me anymore. So I must go.

And I walked and stare at him just for a second. I feel down this time.
What happened earlier? Its makes me feel dizzy. That was too close. Tsk. His even playing my feelings. And now i am hEre in a road.

Rosè:Is he going to kiss me earlier? Aishhh pabo rosè.

And I sit in the bench.

𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 •Taerosé Film [Author: GummyPasta]Where stories live. Discover now