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Jisoo Pov.
We are now heading to the recording studio just to confront that flirt lady. And then I opened the door.

Jisoo:Yahhh Irene unnie!!!!!!! How dare you did that to chaeyoung.
Lisa: yah unnie stop.

Everyone is grabbing my hand just to make me stop.

Irene: Yahh for your information I did not nothing to that girl. So don't accuse me.

And then he smirked.

Jennie: Yah stop playing around we saw the CCTV. Your a superstar yet an evil star. Chaeyoung almost died because of what you did. Your a killer
Jisoo:I owe you this. Don't you dare talk to her again. Know your position. You a plastic you need to be in trash.

And then we leave.

Taehyung Pov.
I am still here now at the clinic. I am watching her Pale skin,Dry lips while sleeping. I'm sorry chae. This is all my fault. And my tears starts to fall down. I called Mr.Park ealier and then they arrived.

Mr.Park:Whats happening?!!
Taehyung:someone locked her on the rooftop. We are checking all the CCTV's.
Mr.Park:Any improvement of the investigation?
Taehyung:For now sir Its on process.
Mr.Park:We must take her to the hospital.
Taehyung: Yes sir.

And then Chaeyoung just transfer to the PARK Hospital. We are here in VIP room. Its way too big that chaeyoung can Recover easily. His dad is so rich.

Mr.Park:Taehyung pls take care og my daughter.
Taehyung: Yes sir. I am sorry for what happened to her sir. I will take any responsibility if in case.
Mr.Park: No need tae. I just need to know who is the one do that to my daughter.

I am sorry Mr.Park but I will not give to you who is our main suspect. Irene is an actress of our agency. And then he just leave. I just look at chaeyoung and caressed her forehead and hold her hand while sitting beside her. Its almost 3:00 AM. I don't have any sleep. So I sleep on a couch. After 3Hours of sleeping I thought Chaeyoung already wake up but unfortunately I am wrong. I giggled my eyes. And then Everyone came from the 3 girls up to the 6 boys. Actually I smell like fishy because I didn't change my dress since last night.

Jungkook:Hyung You must change. We bring some of your t-shirts and Jeans.
Taehyung: thank you.

And then I grabbed it and then I just take a shower.

Jennie Pov.
I am now pealing an apple even if chaeyoung is not awake the boys eat it. Aishhh. We don't have any schedule right now. And I am sitting beside Lisa.

Suga: I am so bored. Wanna play games?
Jennie: Yahh we are here in a hospital behave yourselves.
Jhope: Tsk. Its just a truth or dare game.
Jisoo:Aishh you all childish. Ok I'm in. I'm getting bored also here.
Lisa: Me too I'm in.

And they all looked at me and then I looked at to suga. Aishhh.

jennie: Arasooo. I'll join.

And then everyone used the bottle of the gatorade. And then Suga spin the bottle. And it pointed to ME. my gosh.

Jhope:Yah suga hyung your controlling it.
Suga:Yahh aniyoo.

And then they start to question what will I choose.

Suga:Truth or dare?
Jennie:Of course I choose truth it so tiring if I choose dare. So I choose truth.
Suga:Woahhh!!!! ok then jungkook question her.
Jungkook:Arasooo. Yahh noona do you like suga Hyung?

And then they laughed. Suga and Jungkook have their high five.


And then he got mad.

Jisoo:Aishh Jennie just tell them the truth.
Jennie:Yah unnie but.
Rap.Mon.:Yah just tell us. Aishh
Jennie:Ok arasoo. I like suga oppa.

And then I get blushed. Aishh and also suga smiled.

Suga:Ow. Why?
Jennie:Yah your asking many questions now.
Jimin:Ok I'll spin again the bottle.

We played until taehyung is done changing clothes and then everyone stop when we have to take our lunch. We went to a restuarant and then we immediately came back because we left taehyung there.

Taehyung Pov.
They all went out to take their lunch and I decided to stay because no one will watch rosè if hopefully she will be concious. And they came.

Jin:We packed some foods for you. You must eat your lunch. So that if rosè got concious you have the energy to face her.

I eat some foods and then While I am eating Rosè try to move her finger and then we hurry towards her.

Lisa:Omo!!!! Chaeyoung-a.

Rosè Pov.
I slowly open my eyes at first it looks blury that the people looking at me is blury and then my eyes open clearly and I can see the three girls look worried of what happened so I slowly get up and leaned myback to the pillow.

Jennie:Are you okay?
Rosè:Ne. Don't worry too much.

And then I just saw taehyung.

Jisoo:You better have your fast recovery.
Rosè:I'm okay now. I Just passed out lastnight because of coldness I feel.
Jimin:Are you sure you are really okay?
Rosè:Ne oppa.

And then I slightly smile.

Suga:We must call the doctor.

And then jungkook just got calles the doctor in a hurry. And then expectedly they came. And they are happy that I got concious and Goodnews i can now Discharge immediately. And then they leave.

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