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Your Pov:

I waited out the front for him to come out cause he suggested we should go to a pub or something. I beeped the car horn so he knew I was here then I saw him come out. His black hair had Defently grown out alot. He opens the car door and he greeted me and we drove off.

The whole car ride was silence until we pulled up to the pub. We walked in and ordered a few drinks and some food "so how have you been (y/n)?" He asked "not bad just been a bit busy what about you?" I asked "yeah just been mostly at home nothing really new" He says. I have always felt sorry for Delirious but I was a bit mad after him saying that. I love Delirious but he just doesn't see it I'm always used as his sex toy to him not someone more.

The food and drinks arrive and we finally dig in.

(Time skipped a bit)

After a few drinks and food I could tell Delirious was a bit drunk and so was I "is there something wrong (y/n)?" He says I look at him for a moment in thought "yes... Actually there is, we haven't chatted in nearly a year and all of a sudden you wanted to start hanging out again why is that?" I asked he looks at me blankly for a minute "just, we haven't hanged out in ages I just wanted to catch up" He says I roll my eyes "yeah or you wanted me as a sex toy for later.. Well you can forget about it" I say crossing my arms. Delirious sorta just looked down and we both sat there for a bit in silence "I'm gonna head to the bathroom wanna just hang outside while I take a piss?" He says and I agree.

We both got off the seats and headed to the bathrooms down the corridor. He pushed open the doors of the toilets in and I stood outside until I felt him drag me into the cubicle. It was small and cramped but before I could notice anything else he pushed me against the wall and crushed his lips on mine.

I could hear the guitar sound and clear threw the thin walls of the pub.

"I was looking for some action, but all I found were cigarettes and alcohol!" He says.

I heard oasis playing in the background, as I tried to kiss Delirious back harder, but he kept me pressed against the wall with his body and mouth.

"You have no idea" He said when he went to take a breath, "how it made me feel" His hot breath was on my face, "when you weren't here" He says.

I fluttered my eye lashes at him innocently.

The beer made me far ballsier than usual.

"Oh yeah well-"

He pressed his lips on mine to shut me up and started to move down to my neck as his hands ran up and down my sides under my top.

I went to cover my mouth with my hand but he caught my wrist before I could move it.

I had to bite my lip instead and the look in his eyes told me he exactly how he felt about me doing that.

I moved my free hand up along his side and reached his hair.

"I'm sure there's only one real reason a man grows his hair our long... " I say

I ran my hands through his hair and pulled on it.

He bit my collar bone.

I tugged again.

He moved lower.

I had to bite my lip again to try and keep quite.

He moved even lower

"Oh my" I thought.

(Time skipped)

We both walked out of the bath room very flushed and decided be best to catch a Uber home.

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now