cloth grinding

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Your pov:

We just came back from camping with  friends for a weekend, we decided not to drive there but our friends ended up picking us up and driving there and now driving us back, I know it's a stupid idea but the car we both have isn't off road material, so me and Delirious both sat in the back of the car, and they sat in the front

It was a long drive home, and I was feeling a lil sleepy so I layed on deliruous's lap. Delirious looks down at me with there gorgeous Icey blue eyes god I love them.

Lately I've been watching Supernatural and the Cuteness on Castiel and Dean oof to hot. "You fantasizing over Castiel again?" I look up at delirious from my phone and just smile "shut up" I say and he just chuckle "I swear every few months your obsessing over something new".

After a while and getting bored of supernatural for a bit I sorta just rolled over and tried to fall asleep on delirious, but the seatbelt was to uncomfortable. I layed there thinking but then I thought I might tease delirious.

He we're looking on there phone and I decided to make my hand grind on there crotch and I here a slight muffle come from him then making it sound like he's just cleaning his throat so it didn't sound like a bit of a moan.

Delirious looks down at me and I just smile and keep doing it. After about 5 minutes I was interrupted by our friends that they we're stopping for gas and toilet break, I didn't need anything or need a bathroom break neither did delirious.

We pulled up to the gas station and the two of them left to go into the station delirious takes off my seat belt and his seat belt " what are yo-" before I could finish talking delirious pounces onto me and starts making out with me. After a minute or so delirious makes there way down my neck. Delirious then grabs my shoulder tight and starts to grind on my clothes, his crotch against mine, makes me wanna have an Orgasm because all I wanted to do was fuck him, and I could tell delirious wanted the same. Delirious pulled my hair and I let out a moan but thank god I did that moan 5 seconds earlier because someone opens the door "we're bac- what is happening??" I realized delirious was still on top of me and they both looked at us shocked and confused "this isn't what it looks like, Jonathan saw a pimple and was tryna pop it for me and I said no and he decided to pounce on me" I said making a story up really quickly "oh... Girl I told you, try using that cream I said to use" she says and me and delirious both sat up and putting our belts on, we both then looked at each other smiling and made our long journey home!

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now