Half dressed...

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*Continues from the last one*

Your pov:

Me and Delirious quickly picked up the clothes we could find.

I could only find my shirt and jumper, delirious could only find his pants.

As we were trying to get dressed as fast as we could the back door opens revealing luke.

"Uh....  What happened out here" he says "Well...  Uh...  We... " Delirious says before I stopped him "we were in the hot tub then a huge gush of wind came and took our clothes away so we had to find the rest of our clothes in the dark" I say, luke was just confused "well ok...  Ive only came here to pick up one thing then going back out, you too have a good night I guess" luke says looking at me then back at delirious.

*Time Skipped a little*

After getting dry me and. Delirious were both still Half Dressed.

"Well I'm gonna go get dressed then probably bed" I say, but when I was about to walk off delirious grabs my arm "Orrrrrr....  You don't have to we can go into the sound proof studio" he says "You feeling kinky again" I asked he looks at me up and down "I'll take that as a yes" I say.

Delirious leads me to the studio and brings a chair with him "its your turn tonight (y/n), you get to control me" he says.

Delirious also comes back with rope and I know just what to do.

"Ok...  John sit down and just relax" I say.

Delirious's Pov:

"Ok...  John sit down and just relax" she says.

I do what she says.

She ties me around the pretty tight with the rope, then puts a ball gag in my mouth so I cant speak or move.

(Y/n)  then then takes my pants and off I still didn't have underwear or a shirt so now I definitely naked.

She starts stripping in front of me but also dancing like a stripper.

When she was fully done taking her shirt off I new it was time.

(Y/n)  bends down to her knees and sucks me off I wanted to moan in pleasure but I have this ball in my mouth.

I started to sweat badly and I feel slippery.

I was so close of cumming (y/n)  started to go faster and faster and then I cummed everywhere.

(Y/n)  wiped it off her face and licked her lips then looked at me with a smirk.

She takes out the ball gag "let's play doctor shall we?" She says.

Your pov:

"Let's play doctor shall we?" I says "yes" he says.

I sit on top of him "it seems like your temperature is high" I say "yes its very high" he says back.

I then let his dick enter my entrance and I start to go up and down.

"Seems like every thing is ok" I say giggling.

*Few Minutes later*

Delirious's Pov:

We started to go faster and faster by the minute.

"Doctor (y/n)  I'm gonna cum" i say "then cum all over me" she says.

At the last second I pulled out and cummed onto her leg we were both died out.

She just sat on me still cuddling "ok going to bed now" she says picking up her clothes "Ok night, oh wait" I say.

She turns around "yeah" she says "I'm flying into Canada tomorrow for two weeks remember" I say "yep I remember adam, love you and if I don't see you" she says running over to me and then hugging me and kissing my cheek "see ya" she says.

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now