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Your pov:

My eyes start to flutter open. I could feel the cool Autumn breeze blow through the window making me a bit chilly. I went to flip over when I realized I couldn't find Delirious next to me I get up and rub my eyes getting the sleep out of my eyes. I checked my phone for about 5 minutes until o finally decide to get up.

I walk down stairs to see if Delirious was around. I walked onto the kitchen to find a plate of food sitting there and a note. I pick up the waffle he had made for me and started to eat it with a bit of honey ontop, I then start reading the note

(Y/n): hey morning beautiful I'm just having a shower I knew you would be up soon so I made some waffles love you be out soon!
Love Jon

I smiled at the note like a complete dork I am and finished off my waffles.... I think its time to have some fun.

Delirious's Pov:

I was just washing out the conditioner out of my hair until I heard the door open up. I poke my head out to see (y/n)  walk in "hey baby what's up" I say, but instead of saying anything back she starts to take off her clothes "oh" I say "make room for me" she says I stepped back and she jumps in starting wetting her hair. I couldn't help but look her up and down well of course she was naked! I felt butterflies in my stomach and couldn't help but smile like an idiot "hey Jon can you pass me the shampoo" she asks I grabbed it but before I could even give it to her I dropped it and pinned her to the wall "are you teasing me?" I say right infrount of her face "maybe...." She says smiling.

I grabbed her by the  neck but not strangling her and made her kiss me. She kisses back and I start grinding on her leg and from her mouth I made my way to her neck leaving some hickeys here.

Your pov:

I rap both my hands around Delirious's neck and then spun him around falling on the bath floor. Me and Delirious we're breathing heavily, the water from the shower sprayed delirious on the back of his clean hair and landing in my face but then I felt Delirious  go inside of me. He starts rocking like he usually does going faster and faster making me moan out "F-f-f-fuck me j-j-jonathan" I say.

At the last second delirious pulls out cumming all over my stomach. I layed there for a bit until delirious turns off the water "wait I'm gonna have a shower" I say getting up turning the water back on "ok whatever babe" he says getting out.

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now