Clothing getting taken....

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(Few Nights Later)

Your pov:

Me and Del were gonna go to the hot tub we got outside at the back.

Everyone was going out tonight so I thought we could have a relaxing night of poker.....  But in the hot tub.

I get my smimmers out but before I could change Delirious barges into my room "Jesus John!" I yell Then he picks me up bridal style "Jonathan what are you doing, I need to get change of we wanta go into the hot tub....  So Do you!!" I say trying to get outta his grasp.

He takes me down stairs "well were playing poker tonight right I thought it would be fun to play the other poker game" he says my face flushed red.

But next thing you know he drops me into the tub "Ahhh!!" I yelled feeling the warm water.

Delirious dunks himself into it and sits at the other end from me.

He gets a remote from the side of the tub "shall we, put some, romantic music on" he says clicking a button to play (R/S)  *romantic song*.

I just giggle to myself.

Delirious picks up the cards and starts to shuffle them "so how we playing?" I asked he looks up and smirks at me "taking your clothes off who ever wins 5 rounds....  Gets to be in control and on top" he says winking.

I felt a deep shiver down my spine but then I remembered "wait John I don't think its a good idea, its a spouse to get Windy to night, it will take our clothes" I say but he just didn't care unless if he was inside of me.

"Let's begin, shall we" he says.

(Time skipped)

"Ah Jonathan you asshole" I say losing again.

We were kinda drawers he had 3 and he had 4.

"What's the matter (y/n), you wear more clothes than me" he says joking around "I'm gonna win this round ok!" I say.

But then a huge gush of wind came outta know wear blowing our clothes away into the darkness.

Me and adam looked at each other like if we both had a plan "well.....  Um.... I'm sorry I should of listened" he said "yeah damn straight" I say a bit angry.

We both just sat there "should we go find out clothes or" I cut him off "No!  Thats a bad idea imagine the neighbors seeing up like this!" I say "good point" he just says.

I look at the door it wasn't that far and I don't think the neighbors would see us "jonathan, go open the door" I say.

He gets up and runs to the door he was completely naked me all I had to do was take my underwear off then I was definitely naked.

As adam runs to the door and trys opening it he calls back to me "um...  (Y/n)....  The doors locked" he says.

I get out and run over and try to unlock the door....  Locked.

"Are you fucking kidding me" I whispered "what about the windows" I asked "locked also" he says.

Making me more nervous, at this point I was cold and adam cuddles me.

"Jonathan I'm gonna kill you" I say.

But then a car pulls up out the front and me and delirious cuddle each other running back to the hot tubs they couldn't see us naked.

It was the guys.

"Oh shit" me and delirious both say.


69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now