Sex on a Boat...

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Your pov:

Today me and delirious decided to get out of the house and go for a fairy (boat) ride around the city today. I loved being on boats ever since I was a kid the nice fresh salted sea water and the wind that goes threw my hair, all of that was just peaceful.

We waited in line not long tho about fifth teen minutes. As we waited I just played on my phone "damn!" Delirious randomly says making me almost drop my phone "woah what?!" I say "should of brought the fishing rods" he says chuckling. I just gave him a slight punch on the shoulder "don't scare me like that" I say giggling.

We finally made it aboard the boat it was a little gloomy outside today and sorta chilly. There wasn't that many people on the boat today and the rest that we're, we're inside, but me and delirious both sat outside luckily we brought our big jumpers to keep us warm enough. The boat ride was about half an hour just around the whole of the city basically but I could be wrong.

The boat finally started going and the waves start going up and down. After about ten minutes I started to sing to myself.

We just sat there enjoying the coldness of the air out side until I felt a hand on my no no area. I look down to see delirious's hand sitting there and I just look up at him "we good there?" I question giggling "I don't know are we?" He say putting there hand down my pants then touching my clitoris and I sorta slightly threw my head back "d-delirious! Not here!" I say "what ever they can't see can't hurt them" they say, they have a point I guess.

Delirious started rubbing away making me squeeze there arm cause it felt so freaking good. I then get my hand to go down his pants and I start to play with his balls. Delirious looks at me and smiles "my good little girl" he say to me. I then grab onto delirious's dick and start to tease him making his head go back and hit the glass.

Delirious started going harder at me and so I did it back to them. We we're both in a moaning mess at this point it just felt to amazing. The faster we both got the more better it felt but something about these waves are helping.

We both got to the climax where we we're both about to cum and then *SPLASH*  a huge wave both drenched me and delirious. We both sat there shocked and cold but we both started to hysterically laugh "at least you don't need your hand to be cleaned" delirious says "well your pants may need to be clean tho" I say to him and delirious just rolls there eyes "I love you goofball" he say to me "and I love you too dick biscuit" delirious looks at me confused "dick biscuits? That's a new one" he just say to me "shush I've been watching smosh lately" and then we both closed in the gap and kissed.

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now