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(I didn't have a photo of Delirious I could find atm so there's a Brian)

Your Pov:

Tonight Delirious was taking me out on a nice dinner date. I have wondered what restaurant we would be going to.

Delirious then walks in with just a simple black button up long sleeved shirt and some Dark blue jeans and just some normal black and while sneakers. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my neck and then kisses it "hey, don't wear anything to fancy tonight, we're not going to a fancy restaurant, we're gonna do something better" he says kissing my check then walking out.

"Hmm? Not going to a fancy restaurant, then where the hell are we going?!" I thought to myself.

As I put on a bit of makeup not much of a makeup fan I was lost in thought on where we would go for this date like are we gonna go bowling? Go see a movie? What would we be doing!

I then put on something simple but with a Grunge look to it. I put on

A green checkered shirt
Black tights
A dog tag necklace
And some winter looking boots.

I then throw my satchel over my shoulder and meet delirious down stairs

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I then throw my satchel over my shoulder and meet delirious down stairs. I see he had a blindfold in his hands "let me guess your gonna blind me?" I say giggling  bit "yep! Now turn around" he says and I did what he said. He put the blindfold around my eyes and now I was officially blind. Delirious grabs my hand and leads me to the car, where the he are we going!?

*time skipped*

I could hear we have pulled up some where and delirious getting out of the car to open my side up.

He grabs my hand and leads me out and we walk for a second "are you ready!?" He says "yes I guess" I say nervously "ok take it off" he says to me.

I take off my blindfold and look around to see where we we're but in front of us was a picnic blanket with a picnic basket with candles around it but then it suddenly clicked onto me "omg! This is where we did new years!" I say excitedly "Yep!" He says.

Delirious takes my hand and we walk over and sit down on the blanket. Delirious pours some wine and takes out some sandwiches "ah now I see why you said dress simple" I giggle "well I just wanted to be a cheap night" he says smiling and I smile back.

*time skipped*

After we ate our sandwiches delirious then pulled out some sausage and Mashed potatoes and placed them down "man I'm surprised you can cook" I say smiling "well only the basics" he says chuckling "we started to dig into our second main meal until I thought it would be funny...

" hey Jonathan" I say. He looks up to me and I throw food at his face "oh why you!" He says playfully tackling me to the floor and then ripping open my shirt and shoving mashed potatoes down my boobs. We then stopped and gazed at each other for a moment. Delirious then leans down  while he's on top of me and kissed me on  the lips passionately and then started making his  ways down to my boobs to lick the mashed potatoes off me "mmm you taste nice" he says.

As he finished up licking my chest I then push him off of me and now I was on top of him. I grabbed more mashed potatoes and put I down my chest. Delirious then pushed himself up and licks off the potato off my chest again after he did that I pushed him back down "I guess you had some mash now it's my time to have some sausage" I say.

I make my way down his jeans and unbuckle his belt and undid his button to then zip down his jeans. I slide off his jeans and under wear and automatically started bopping my head up and down "oh (y-/n)" he says grabbing on tightly  to the picnic blanket "ye-" I try saying stopping to look up but Adam pushed my head back down "n-no don't stop!" He says and I continued going.

There we're times where I did stop to use my hands but mostly mouth.

Delirious then arched his back and thrown his head back "im- I'm gonna c-c-cum" he says I stopped and used my hands and he basically exploded. We sat there for a moment "soooo how we gonna clean up?" I asked and delirious was panting "there are napkins and some water in the basket.... I'm pooped" he says making me laugh.

I grabbed the napkins and water from the basket and cleaned my hands and helped clean delirious up.

As that happened we saw a car pull up and it was a police car "shit shit shit" I say delirious quickly zipped up his pants and did his belt and I quickly buttoned my shirt up.

The police officer got out of his car and walked over to us "how are you kids going what are you doing out here in the Middle of the night" he questions shining a flashlight in our faces "hi there officer" delirious says getting up "sorry we we're on a date having a picnic that's all" delirious says.

The police officer shines the light in my face to tell if he was lying "mkay, just watchout, out here, there are a lot of weirdos out here at night" he says "don't worry officer we we're just cleaning up ready to leave anyways" I say and he smiles at us and leaves us be.

Few that was a close one!

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now