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Your pov:

Today me and Delirious both recorded a video together playing Minecraft, we checked out the new Cave updates and of course Delirious being Delirious...

"AHHH Oh! It's just a bat, that scared the shit out of me" delirious yells and starts to making weird noises to kill them "what's the point of these bats?!" He questions making me laugh "I don't know ask them" I say. Delirious goes over near the bat "excuse me Mr bat, but what is your purpose?" Making me just laugh some more "it didn't answer me!!" He says to me "and... What you want me to do about it?" Delirious stayed silent for a moment then started yelling and killing the bat.

After we recorded that delirious stayed and started to edit the videos and I went into the living room and put on some South Park.

Some time flew by and delirious comes out and sits next to me and watches South Park with me. "What season is this?" He asked "season 23, but I prefer the older seasons anyways" I say.

We sat there watching  few episodes until I came up with an idea "you wanna have some Minecraft sex?" I say. Delirious quickly turns his head shock and confusion "like in Minecraft?!" He asks and I smile "no not in Minecraft we will make it interesting, we will roleplay like we are in Minecraft" I say. Delirious looked confused but caught on what I was saying. We both got up and walked into the room.

We both take our clothes off now completely naked. I lay down and delirious is now on top of me "so how do you want this to work?" He questions. At this point I honestly don't know "uh... How about how ever you wanna start" I say.

Delirious then starts to kiss down my neck "WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY H2O Delirious here today I'm going be be playing with (y/n) today" he says. For some reason that got my going "more" I say moaning out a little.  "And today's Minecraft video we're gonna be teaching (y/n) how to be a good girl" he says. At this point he starts kissing down to my stomach "how about we start off by digging down and collecting some Dirt?" He says.

Delirious then makes it down to my clit and starts to suck on my Clit and licks all around there making me throw my head around "I think we will hit the stone in a moment guys" as soon as he said that I squirted all over his face "oh never mind, it was just a squid and I hate squids" he says chuckling evilly.

Delirious gets up and walks out "where are you going?!" I say panting "you will see" he says.

Not even a minute later delirious comes back in with his fake sword and smacks it against his hand "you know I hate Creepers right" he says walking over to me.

Delirious then quickly grabs my leg and flips me onto my stomach and gets me into a doggy style position "die Creeper!" He says smacking my ass hard with the sword. It hurt but it was a nice type of hurt. Delirious kept smacking my ass over and over again until it was red enough "I think this squid has finally had enough" he says rolling me back over and kissing me on the lips.
"I think it's time we beat this ender dragon don't you think (y/n)? " he says making me smile "yes sir I think it is" I say.

Delirious sticks himself inside of me and starts to thrust "delirious! look out the ender dragon healing we must shoot them down" I say I then start kissing his neck in different spots "got them all!" I say making delirious pull my hair and thrust harder and faster "look out *pants* (y/n), the ender dragon got you!" He says trying to breath "don't worry I'll save you!" He says. Delirious went much much quicker. Delirious them finally exploded himself inside of me "we did it! And as always drop a like! Leave a comment! And I'll catch you ALL in the next video peace out everybody! Goodbaiiiii" He says and rolling himself off of me and now or sweaty.

I then snuggle right against delirious and layed on his chest "I love you my king" I say and he kisses the top of my head "I love you too my queen".

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now