Lazy morning sex *New Years Special*

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Delirious's pov:

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, i feel like i have a hangover... Well i do anyways last night was was the end of 2019 now in 2020, anyways the sun was practically giving my eyeball a tan or something. I was lying on my back and thought to check my phone... Which I did.

I went onto Twitter and took a selfie of me lying with no shirt and making sure they couldn't see my face on with the red light on commenting 'I'm still alive, have a huge ass hangover but alright :3' on it. After I posted it I have already over 1k likes and 748 Comments on the post saying:

"My gawd I'm dead"

"Sexy Affffffffff"

"Oof its been a while since you posted here"


As I read more. Sometimes depression can suck balls. I sometimes wish I can get over it just like that but it sticks with me basically forever and where ever I go. I have thought every possible way I could kill myself such as Hanging myself, shooting myself, doing it the old classic Razor blades, or just jump off a building. But my question is... Why am I still here? Oh that's right!


She is my light my power and my everything. She always has said "people are afraid of you cause your different, it doesn't matter who you are You are just you and just always be you even if you heard this many times before" and I'm thankful for her.

After a little while on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc I check the time it was only 7:15am. I decided to put my phone down and roll over to see (y/n)  beautiful Bed face in the morning. I just chuckled to myself and start to massarge her shoulder.

(Y/n)  Pov:

I wake up to Delirious massaging my shoulder blade and just smile but my head at the same time was throbbing "well good morning there sweet cheeks" he says "good morning" I say with a yawn. I rub my eyes and then open them to be blinded from the sun in my eyes "god my eyes probably have Eye cancer now" I say and Delirious just laughs "is eye cancer even a thing?" He questions "probably not" I say giggling.

Delirious stops rubbing my shoulder and kisses me on the lips then rolls back over. At the moment I feel like its time for me to have a little fun.

As Delirious lyes there trying to fall asleep again I roll over on his side so my his back was touching my stomach and Chest. I start to kiss up and down his neck which made him chuckle "Ughhhh it early" he complains. I just lean into Delirious's ear and whisper "we can just make out and have some lazy morning fun" I say which caused him to get shivers down his spine.

Delirious rolls over and smashes him lips straight into mine and we started to make out. After a while adam started to rub my boobs while I just had my hands behinds his back and started to scratch his hair. Delirious then goes down my neck still kissing. He then goes from my neck, to my stomach then back up my stomach to my neck then to my lips. I let go with one hand to go down and rub Delirious where his crotch is while I still have my other hand scratching the back of himself head and cause adam to Moan. After a little tease to one another we both kinda pulled apart and gazed in each others eyes.

"I love you (y/n)" he says "I love you to jonathan and I'll always be with you" I say whispering in his ear then we both fall back to sleep.

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