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Your Pov:

Today was my birthday! Another year older to death is how I always think about it.

I just had woken up on this Sunday morning, tired and sleepy still of course and I stretch with my messy hair everywhere. I get up from the bed and walk towards the door and it finally clicked onto me that Delirious wasn't in bed with me, I open the door to be greeted by delirious "m'lady" he says bowing down and giving me a bunch of flowers. I take the flowers and delirious Peck's my lips "morning birthday girl!" he say to me and I just blush "today is your day princess so I'mma treat you like one" he say to me making me blush even more.

Delirious leads me out of the room and takes the flowers from my hands and sets them down onto the table and leads me into the bathroom.

As I walk in I smell sweet smells of apple and cinnamon candles and what seems to be a nice warm bath to be running and bubbles in it "omg jonathan! You didn't have too" I say turning to him and he just had a smirk on him "here this is also for you" giving me a lush bathbomb "ooo" I say weirdly running over to the bath and dropping it in, making the water turn into a pinkish purplish bath. I turn around to delirious and he smiles at me "go head jump on in" he say to me so I started to take my clothes off.

Fully stripped down now I jump into the nice warm bath and relax. I then look towards delirious who was just standing there staring "hehe john you can come in to" which of course put a smile onto his face and he start to undress too and get in. The bath was a pretty decent size bath it was also the one with a jacuzzi in it.

Delirious layed by the other end of the bath we we're both pretty sorta squished  but still alright. I decided to turn on the jacuzzi and it felt Amazing I could sleep here all day "hey, (y/n) turn around " delirious says to me, and I did what he said to me. I turn around and left delirious to start to massage my back now I definitely could die in here.

Delirious's POV:

I grab the body oil and pour some into my bands and start rubbing it into her back. Up the spine, deeply in the shoulders I came around her neck and around her waist "please don't stop this is amazing" she says.

As I continue to message her up and down her back I lean in and started kissing into her neck leaving some love bites here and there. She turns around and sits on my lap and hugs me tight "I love you thank you for this amazing birthday" she whispers into my ear and I lean in and whisper into hers, I knew I had made her shiver down her spine "this is only just the start" and then I kissed her on the lips.

69 Months with H2O DeliriousWhere stories live. Discover now